
EP 306 | The Role Of Spirituality, Faith And Community In Business


Being in the mastermind helped me to realize how important it is to have that (community). It has opened doors, because I connected to you ladies. I was quiet and assessing the situation. There was times I was reluctant to share. I was able to be myself. And that was something I wasn’t doing. I am now learning to speak up for myself more. Now within my business I want to create in a group atmosphere.
— Shanika Gosling

We're back with another incredible roundtable conversation with two of my favourite humans; Shanika Gosling and Rhonda Arnott.

Today we are talking about the role that spirituality, faith, and community have played in our lives and businesses.

We'll be sharing what we learned about ourselves and our connection to God and how important it is for each of us to be in community.

We'd love to know what resonates with you from this episode!

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In this episode you'll hear:

> What it looks and feels like to live out our 'calling'.

> Listening to the voice of God over everyone else.

> How to position yourself to hear God.

> The importance of being surrounded by like-minded women.

There is no greater freedom than giving yourself permission to be intimately vulnerable with people you trust all while standing in your divine power.

The Align Mastermind is a 5-month mastermind for female entrepreneurs where your gifts and strengths are celebrated and encouraged, and where you will have the opportunity to share your unique experience, expertise, and wisdom.

Learn more about THE ALIGN MASTERMIND and apply now.

Spring cohort begins May 2024. Space is limited.

Are you ready to dive into your inner healing journey?

Book a 20-minute Discovery Call and we can get to know one another better.

Learn More About Ignite 1:1 Coaching.

Audio Production and Original Music by Stephen Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

EP 182 | You Have To Believe It Before You Can Receive It


At the core when I really started to dig deep I felt like I didn’t deserve good things, I was not worthy, I did not have a true sense of worthiness. Because I believed I had to earn it or that I had to do something to achieve it.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Is there something in your life that you've been wanting for a really long time but it just seems so impossible to attain that you've given up? Maybe you gave up because you figured you could never afford it, or that it was completely out of your reach or it could be that it goes a little deeper and you don't feel like you deserve to have it. In this episode we are talking about the power of faith when it comes to receiving what you truly desire.

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Andrea Crisp 0:00
Is there something in your life that you've been wanting for for a really long time, but it just seems so impossible to attain, that you've actually considered giving up? Or maybe you've already actually given up? What if I told you today, you have to believe it before you can receive it.

Kate 0:24
You're listening to the courage cast a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week, we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. here's your host, life coach, author and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:42
Hello there, welcome to the Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host, and I'm so glad that you have joined me. I am going to be talking about something that you know I have really been wrestling with for some time. And usually when I record these podcast episodes, they are something that I have gone through in the recent past, but I'm kind of at the conclusion of. However, today, I'm actually going to be talking to you about something that is ongoing in my life. And I don't always recommend that because generally speaking, when we have things that are ongoing in our lives, it means that they're not really completely healed all the way. And maybe there's still some open wounding, but I really wanted to share where I'm at, in my own personal life when it comes to faith and belief and how that impacts my life when it comes to money, when it comes to relationships, and when it comes to really receiving all those things into my life.

Now, when I started the episode today, I asked you a question, if there's something in your life that you've been wanting for a really long time, but it just seems really impossible to have? And maybe you thought of something right away? Or maybe you're not really sure, but you just feel like "Yeah, I resonate with that question or that statement." While I want to float this idea, maybe you've given up because you figured you couldn't like a afford it. Or maybe you just thought it was so completely out of reach, there was no way that you could attain that for whatever particular reason that is, or you may even go a little bit deeper, and you feel like you actually don't deserve to have it. Yeah, that's a hard one. So I call this week's episode, you have to believe it before you can receive it, because that is something that I am actively putting into practice in my own life. So not only am I doing that, in my personal life, but I'm also doing it in my business. And I feel like I have taken this giant leap in my life in the past few months. A giant leap in my business. But I also feel like with that leap comes a new level of understanding, coming into a new sense of an awareness of where I'm at, and how can I believe for more, you know, because sometimes it's easy to believe for things that, you know, could come true at any given moment. Because you know, it's easy, right? But it's harder sometimes to believe for things that seem very far out of reach. So let me pull this idea for you. Act of faith, plus your posture to receive equals true abundance.

Okay, let's just hang on to that for a second. But I want to talk to you about my past a little bit. And some of the things that I went through, maybe you can resonate with some of this. So I grew up in the church, most of you know that. And I was in an evangelical church. And I had a very specific context for faith at that point in my life, and now whether or not that theology was correct or not, that's, you know, still under debate. But for me, faith was talked about a lot in the church and in conversations that I had, and I'm still trying to wrestle those things out and trying to see what that looks like for me. But I could never really grasp the concept of faith when I was in the church. And when I was in ministry, and when I was living my life, you know, just really in that kind of theology. And I know for a lot of people in the church, they have amazing faith. And maybe for me, it was skewed for some reason, and that could be because of my upbringing. It could have been because of, you know, teachings that I had or circumstances that I went through. But for me, having faith was something akin to waiting for something miraculous to happen, hoping and wishing that it was going to happen, but also being super skeptical that it was actually gonna happen. Okay, so that's what it meant for me. That is not what it means for everyone, but that is what it meant for me.

So it's kind of like, you know, when you cross your fingers, and you're hoping for the best, that's kind of what that feels like, for me. Now, I only really understood faith in the context of healing, because people talked about that in the miraculous all the time, or believing God was gonna come through on a certain area of my life. And I remember thinking that for years when I lived in the US, and I wanted to stay there, and I wanted my work visa to always come through, I had this like, okay, I just really hope this works. And I have to trust God and have to have faith, but I always really felt nervous about it. And I always had this like, underlying fear that things were gonna go wrong. And crazy enough, they did, they actually did go wrong. So if I'm completely honest with you, I often felt gypped like, I felt like I got the raw end of the deal. And I would have this faith, I would exercise this faith for something. And then I would also have a lot of anxiety about whether or not it was actually going to happen. And that anxiety would turn into fear. And it would become so fearful that God would not come through for me, that I actually was sabotaging the whole entire process. I was keeping myself closed off from a miracle.

And hear me when I say this, because you might be, you know, in the context of a faith, or religious belief, maybe you don't, I am not blaming God. Okay. This was on me, this is something that I believed to be true. And was my limited perspective of what was possible for my life. And I had attached this narrative around faith, to the possibility of miraculous things happening in my life, one of my friends talks about, you know, the universe is delighted to give you things she says, all the time. And it's so interesting to me, because, you know, I'm like, Oh, that sounds really nice and wonderful, you know, like in the Christian context, they would talk about in, you know, God wants to give you good things, the desires of your heart. And really, like, you know, I look at it the same way, but the way I approach it now is so vastly different. So, I want to ask you a question. What is your relationship with faith look like right now? Now, out of the context of the church, out of the context of religion, or, or theology, because you may not have religion or theology, maybe you don't even have a faith belief. But I want to know, what does your relationship with belief, faith, or even manifestation look like today? Do you often feel like you're disappointed when things don't turn out as you hoped? Or do you feel like you get angry and disillusioned when, you know, you're not seeing the return of what you desired? Maybe it's like the income you want the clients you want. You know, the, the relationships manifesting within your life. And it could be so far as even really feeling like, you're completely abandoned or forgotten. Like, God has forgotten you, the universe has left me out, like, you know, source does not know exist.

So a few years back, I was in church, and a friend of mine came up right at the very beginning of the service. Now, we were sitting in the front row at the time, so she leaned over to me really quietly, while music was blaring, so it wasn't so quiet. But anyway, she whispered in my ear, that her and her husband wanted to gift me a grand piano. And I've so I've told this story before on the podcast, but it has, like completely new meaning for me today. Okay. So I remember when she did that, because I was completely shocked. I was like, what, like, never in my wildest imagination would I ever think someone was going to give me a grand piano. And I didn't even actually have a home. That was my own. I was living with my brother at the time. It was a small condo in the middle of downtown Toronto. And I was like, the first thought that came into my mind was like, well, I can't accept that because I don't even have a place to put it. So here's someone giving me the most amazing gift and the only thing that's going through my head is like I can't take that I can't accept that. And finding every reason in the book, why it was impossible for me to have that piano. Now, since we were in church, there was not much of a conversation going on between her and I. But I immediately, just kind of like went inward. And you know, as the music was playing, I just started to like think, and my mind was racing and tears started streaming down my face, like right away. I felt like God said to me in that moment, Andrea, I try and give you things all of the time, but you never received them. And in that moment, I knew that was so true for my life. Because even if there was something really good for me to have, I was not in the posture to accept it, or to receive it, or to believe that I deserved it. My posture of receptivity was completely blocked. So energetically, I couldn't even receive what people were giving me, whether it was a gift, whether it was monetarily, whether it was relationally, there were so many ways in which I was blocked when it comes to receiving.

So at the core, when I really started to dig deep. I felt like, I didn't deserve good things, I was not worthy, I didn't have a true sense of worthiness, because I believed that I had to earn it, or that I had to do something to achieve it. And my my upbringing and my narrative around, you know, really receiving something always came from earning and always came from, you know, you do something and you get something good back, wasn't just because you get something good, because you're amazing, right? And I just really had worthiness complex. So not only did all of this corrode my faith and belief, but also my ability to receive good things into my life. So what ended up happening was after church that day, I shared with her that story, and I told her, you know, I'm going to find a way to make this happen. And I am going to take the piano. And so I made a few phone calls, and I ended up finding a friend who had just moved into a brand new home, she had this huge living room that was like, really empty, it was a perfect place for a grand piano to sit in front of this beautiful window. And when my friends left Toronto and moved to Manhattan, we moved the piano into my other friend's house. And that is where it has sat for the past four years.

So just the other day, we were wrapping up, my mastermind that I've been in for the past six months, fast foundations mastermind. And I started to think about, you know how far I've come over the past six months. But, you know, still some of the work that is ongoing in my life in the vision of the piano came up for me again, because I think I'm in this place of really being ready to receive except for, I've never really been on that end of receptivity. And so I started thinking about the piano again. And I had this huge revelation, that although I had been given the gift, it has not yet come into my possession. So yes, I said yes to the gift. I own the gift. But I don't have the gift. Like, it's not in my possession. And it's there fully available to me, I own it. But I don't possess it, in how many things in our lives are there, fully available to us, that we could have immediately, but we don't have possession of those things, because we are not exercising faith to believe that we can receive that particular thing. That opportunity, that relationship, that income goal, you fill in the blank.

Now my mind was completely blown because I saw so clearly that there are so many things that I could take possession of in my life, if I were to position myself to receive those things. So that got me thinking about what is the posture of receptivity, what does that look like? So there are two things that came to my mind that I want to share with you today that I think are very practical that you can take an implement into your life and into your business. You into whatever you're doing right now, here's the first thing, you need to be in energetic alignment for it to come to you. Okay? In other words, what does that mean? You need to have belief that it is yours. Simple, right? In order to have that energetic alignment, it's like you cannot receive anything that you are not energetically aligned with. Because it's, it's not possible for it to come into your life and stay. So for you to receive, you know, a higher income, a new opportunity, a new client, a new relationship, even a gift, like a grand piano, you have to be energetic alignment. So for me, it was something that I desired. So it came to me, but it did not come all the way through. It only came as far as I would allow it to come.

So here's the second thing, we have to make room for more. So when you look at what you have, right now, in your life, the space in your life that you're holding, for your work for your life, for your, your family, for your relationships, for all of those things in life, where is there room to receive that thing you want? Is there enough room to even receive it? Have you created space in your life, for that to come to manifest to be there? So when I think about that, I'm like, of course, like, you know, what would I do? Like, how would I, you know, now I'm living up north with my parents. And so of course, you know, I'm not going to receive it. Now, like, Where am I going to put it now, you know, but that's, you know, a mindset shift that I have to make around the possibility of receiving what is already mine.

Okay, and the reason why I say this is because it's not a fait accompli, it hasn't happened yet. I don't have it, right. And that's why I wanted to talk to you about this today. Because so often it's like, Okay, well, Andrea, like, show me like, you know, this amazing thing that's happened, but I'm in the middle, I'm in the messy middle of this. And I want to be able to share this with you as I move along. And I don't know how long it's going to take, I have zero clue. I have no idea how it's going to happen. But I know that there's two things that I have to do, or I have to be in that is number one, be in energetic alignment, to have that piano. And number two, I have to make room for it. Okay, so I say those things to you today, because I want to leave you with that. What do you need to become an energetic alignment for? And how can you make space for that in your own life, in order to believe that you can receive it, you have to take action. And it's something that you have to do, you don't just sit on the sidelines and wish and hope and pray that it's going to happen. You know, really, when you think about prayer is that you know, direct connection with God. And saying in faith, I believe that you are all powerful enough to do this.

So, friend, if you're full of doubt, I want to encourage you today to take a step back, see why you think that it's not possible for you to receive what it is that you truly want in your life. And to really clear that energetic block to shift that mindset. So that you can start holding space for what it is, that is yours already for you to possess for you to own for you to have within your life. In order for you to believe it to be true and receive it in your life, then you're going to have to make room for it. All right, well, I've loved hanging out with you today. And if you've not already connected, let's connect. You can find me on Instagram at @andreacrispcoach. And in order to find me on everywhere else all of my links will be in the show notes. So until next time, remember you have everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 19:27
If you like this episode of the Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music and production by Stephen Crilly.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

080 | The Stigma Around Having Your Life Together


Cheryl SS.png
Grief is like an ocean, you’re in it and it’s calm and then all of a sudden you get hit with a tidal wave and that was really what was going on.
— Kyla Richey

About Kyla:

Kyla Richey is a mentor and role model for young Canadian athletes. Being able to share her journey has been something she doesn’t take lightly. But she also wants young women to realize that life is not always what it appears to be. Although it may seem as though she has a picture perfect reality, she has experienced deep loss and great pain with the loss of her brother and subsequent battle with anxiety and depression.

This conversation explores our need to share our lives vulnerably and the quest to end the stigma that we need to have our lives together to happy and successful. 

Kyla Richey is currently captain of team Canada women's volleyball. She has played for over ten years with the senior national team and has so far played seven years of professional volleyball around the world (Germany, turkey, Italy, Greece, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, and Peru). She played for the powerhouse UBC thunderbirds where she won five back to back national titles. Despite a very successful sporting career, Kyla has had her fair share of ups and downs.

The summer before her senior year of high school, her two best friends were killed in a car crash while she was away competing with the Junior National Team. More recently, her younger brother died six years ago and since then, has been struggling with the realities of balancing this life with her grief. An advocate for younger athletes, she wants to bring attention to the daily struggles that we all try to burry. Whether that is dealing with confidence, learning how to step into your true self, balancing athletics and grief, or battles with mental health, Kyla wants to bring it all to the surface. Talking through these issues and being as real as she can be on social media and on her website (re: her blog), Kyla hopes that she can foster community and relationship between individuals who might relate. With dreams set high on qualifying for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, she is working hard to inspire both teammates and individuals in her volleyball circle worldwide. 


Connect With Kyla:

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When you discover what you’re meant to do, do it with everything in you. Do you feel stuck and unable to move forward with your goals? If you’re ready to step confidently into your potential then schedule a FREE 30 min strategy session today.


079 | Moving Past Other People’s Opinions


Cheryl Nembhard.png
Competition is a dangerous thing. When you are in the mode of competition, you are not thinking about self-development, you’re not thinking about working on you, or being your best self forward, you are in the catch-up and keep up.
— Cheryl Nembhard

About Cheryl:

How do I disconnect my own desire for people’s approval?

Competition is a dangerous thing. When you are in the mode of competition, you are not thinking about self development, you’re not thinning about working on you, or being your best self forward, you are in the catch up and keep up. Cheryl Nembhard

In this conversation, Cheryl and I talk about what it’s like to move past the opinion of others in order to pursue our destiny. And, what that looks like on a practical level. Get your note pad out because school is in session and Cheryl is laying it all out. 

Cheryl Nembhard is an award winning Filmmaker, Playwright & Social Advocate who uses her incredible talents in the Arts to tackle some of the toughest societal topics. Her dedication to Community Service includes working with at risk youth, former gang members, sexual assault victims & teenage mothers. Her Not for Profit Educational Theatre Company, EMG Education has performed special assemblies on topics such as Mental Health, Bullying & Racism in over 150 High Schools across Ontario, impacting over 70,000 students and counting. CBC Canada has recognized her as one of '150 Black Women who are making Canada a better place'.

Among her many awards, She is also the 2017 recipient of the Harry Jerome awards for Social Advocacy. Cheryl is Co Host of 'See, Hear, Love', a nationally televised Women's talk show on YES TV. She recently founded & developed 'The Lighthouse Project', a faith based Mentorship program, where she currently mentors over 40 people. Cheryl is an active Board Member with Brave Canada, a catalytic movement for at risk girls, and she also sits on the national steering committee for “Power of Her” a World Vision initiative for marginalized women and girls globally.


Connect With Cheryl:

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When you discover what you’re meant to do, do it with everything in you. Do you feel stuck and unable to move forward with your goals? If you’re ready to step confidently into your potential then schedule a FREE 30 min strategy session today.


078 | Having Faith To Believe


Sarah E Ball (2).png
When I surrender, when the fear comes and the thoughts come I say I trust you, God, acknowledging it is there and acknowledge God in this situation.
— Promise Tangeman

About Promise:

She lives in sunny California with her husband Brian and the pup who they affectionately call #thedogparker.

If we let it, our mental chatter will be something that robs us of our peace. The constant over thinking, and over analyzing. It’s exhausting — and in the end, really get’s us nowhere. When I asked Promise what her biggest takeaway has been during this season of her life she responded by saying that therapy has been something that changed her perspective on life. It’s kept her focus on the present, and helped her to ‘turn off her mind’.

What a concept right?

Honestly, I was so excited to talk to Promise. Her name literally at the top of my list when I decided to launch this podcast two years ago. A full circle moment. What I didn’t expect was to connect with her on such a deep level. A welcome surprise. Our conversation quickly became transparent and real, almost as if we were chatting over coffee in my living room.

Promise Tangeman is a boss in every sense, leading an exceptional team of designers at Go Live and the co-founder of Designer Vaca. She’s stylish, fun, and has a beautiful uniqueness about her. And she feels deep — and that comes across in this conversation. She shares with me her hope to one day become a mother and what her journey of infertility has been like. In turn, I share my hopes for marriage one day. And the tension of the in-between.

She lives in sunny California with her husband Brian and the pup who they affectionately call #thedogparker. This conversation is everything I hope for when I get the opportunity to share the story of a woman who lives bravely.


Connect With Promise:

Instagram + Website + Facebook


When you discover what you’re meant to do, do it with everything in you. Do you feel stuck and unable to move forward with your goals? If you’re ready to step confidently into your potential then schedule a FREE 30 min strategy session today.