209 | You Get To Decide


I lost out on opportunities - all because I wanted to be in the perfect will of God. Now, I had no idea that this old conditioning was actually a narrative I had formed about how I did life, how I did business, how I was in relationships, and this narrative seeped into my subconscious and it really penetrated For all of my decision-making.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Have you found yourself unable to commit to a decision for fear that you’ll make the wrong one and might end up displeasing someone or ‘out of God’s will’?

For years I was paralyzed when it came to decision-making because I wanted to be certain that I was making the best decision possible. In the end, I lost out on relationships and opportunities because I thought I needed to find the ‘right answer’.

Today on the podcast I’m sharing a story with you that helped me realize that I am a co-creator in my life.

If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 30-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Andrea Crisp 0:00
For years, I was struggling with analysis paralysis, thinking that I needed to do the Divine Will of God in absolutely every area of my life. It left me feeling overwhelmed, struggling to really come up with decisions that worked for my life, for my business, and even for my relationships. And today on the podcast, I want to talk to you about what that looks like. When you are open to the possibilities for your life.

Kate 0:33
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:58
Hello there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea crisp, I am your host. And I am really excited to be back with you, I took a little bit of a break from recording, went on vacation, it was amazing. And I was prepared in advance which you gotta love when you take the time to do things in advance. So the past few episodes have been pre recorded. And I was ready to go all the way up until now. So I am now back in the studio. But always so excited to be with you. Honestly, this is one of the most fun things I do in my business, I really have to say that it is something I love to do. I have been hosting this podcast for four and a half years, almost five years. And I love taking the time to press record and just sharing some of the thoughts that I have been learning things that are happening in my world that I hope will help you to live bravely in your life and in your business.

So I want to share a story with you today about something that happened while I was on vacation. And honestly, it was something that really helped to reframe a perspective in my life that I didn't even realize needed to shift. And when this happened, I started seeing myself in a whole new light. And when I tell you this story, I would love for you to look at your own life in context of what is happening in your particular situation right now. So whether that is in business, whether that's in relationships, finances, health, in any particular area, you can apply this particular principle to your life. Because so often when we are faced with indecision or face with overwhelm, we can limit ourselves because we're waiting for this like magical moment to happen, or like the, the answer to appear. Right. And for some people, even it's to get God's will for their life. And for me, that was something that I ascribe to for many, many years, as I was in the Christian faith, and I would actually everything, every decision I would make, I would want to know what was God's will for my life. And I would not make decisions. In fact, to my detriment, until I knew that it was like a yes from God. No, I'm not really sure what I was waiting for, to hear to be quite honest with you. And I think I had a little bit of the theology screwed up if I'm, if I'm really honest with you. But there were a lot of times in my life that I put things on hold, I put my life on hold, waiting for an answer to a question that was never going to come. And I was paralyzed. And I did not make those decisions. Or I waited too long.

I lost out on opportunities. All because I wanted to be in the perfect will of God. Now, I had no idea that this old conditioning was actually a narrative I had formed about how I did life, how I did business, how I was in relationships, and this narrative seeped into my subconscious and it really penetrated For all of my decision making, so when it came to making any type of move in business or trying to figure out whether or not I should, you know, launch a course, or put out a new coaching program, or what podcast topics, should I do this week, I was always waiting for the perfect answer the right answer. And I didn't realize that I was actually really just holding myself back. So when I went away, in, back in and the end of March, beginning of April to Florida, I decided that, you know, I really needed to kind of take a break from the overthinking and the overwhelm. And it had been, you know, a really tough season, the pandemic, you know, just kind of coming to an end sort of, and we had been in some lockdowns, and I was just really tired, and I was just over it, I was over it. And I was offered the opportunity to go down to Florida to visit my folks in Panama City Beach, my brother was going to come and watch my dog. And so I decided to take them up on the offer. And with a week, you know, notice I decided to get on a plane and head to Panama City Beach. And when I arrived in Florida, I was exhausted, like, I was so tired, it took me days to actually unwind and relax. And it was the first time in about two years that I had gone anywhere. And so I was really like stressed out thinking about traveling and flying and all of those things. Now, I didn't realize at the time how much that the past few years had impacted me. But as soon as I started traveling, and, you know, got into a new place and a new location and was like, Oh my gosh, things are so different here. That's what I realized how I had really kind of been living in this like fog. And friend, I don't know if you've ever been in a place in your in your life where you're just kind of like coming out of that the slumber. But all of a sudden, when you have this, like huge realization, you're like, oh my gosh, how I've How have I even been living like this, like this is crazy. So I was in a real state of analysis paralysis. And I was feeling all sorts of emotions in my life. And they were coming up fast and furious. Like there was a lot of fear, and shame and worry, and all of these things. And they were just like, you know, bubbling up to the surface bubbling up to the surface. But every day, I made a decision that I was gonna go out to the ocean. So my parents lived right across the street from the ocean. And I was gonna walk in, oh, my gosh, it's like so beautiful. If I could tell you describe to you the most pure white crystally soft sand with beautiful turquoise ocean. And it's like sunsets for days. Like I mean, just an amazing, amazing, amazing view. And I would walk the beach. And as I would walk, you know, every day got a little bit better for me. And I was starting to unwind and relax. But every time I would go on a walk, I would ask God universe this one question, I would say, What do you want to talk about today? And I was really hoping that I was gonna get you know, is a magical answer. As I talked about before, because I always want to do the right thing I want to be in like the will of God, I want to, you know, make sure that I'm always doing what it is that I need to be doing. So anyways, so in particular day, I'm walking. It's actually close to the end of my trip. And I just had the sense like this phrase comes into my mind, you get to decide. And I stopped in my tracks and I thought what do you mean, I get to decide? And like I get to decide what we talk about or what. And what I really felt in my spirit was you get to decide how you want to live your life. And it was like all of a sudden, a light bulb went on. Here I had been wanting answers for so long. And God universe was saying to me, Andrea, you get to decide. And the reason why you haven't got the momentum or the movement in certain areas of your life is because you're waiting for an answer that only you have get to decide.

And I was like, Oh my gosh. And I started to see in every area how I had put this limitation on myself on opportunity, on growth, on relationships, because I was thinking, well, certain things are, you know, what God wants me to do. And I didn't take into consideration that the creator of the universe, universe itself, God would give me the option of creating, designing and deciding what I want for my life. And the reason I wanted to share this with you, because it was so impactful for me. As someone who grew up in the Christian church in the Christian faith, it has been really hard for me to peel back some of those layers as I've done a faith deconstruction. And as I'm working with coaches, and online entrepreneurs, and artists and creatives to help coach them with their mindset, and to help put them on a path towards really living out their full purpose and potential in their life. It is important for me to consistently be doing the work in my own life. And I had started to realize that this was going to limit me and limit what I was capable of doing. And the only reason it was going to limit waves because I was letting it not because I am innately limited. Because I'm not, I am full of possibility. There's possibility Around me there is nothing that I probably couldn't do. I mean, maybe apart from being in the NBA, or the NHL, or something like that, or an Olympian. But I mean, even maybe if I learned something, there's nothing that that we cannot do that when we put our minds to it. And when we know we are skilled to do that particular thing. And we limit ourselves because we think that there needs to be the perfect answer the perfect solution. And we're waiting for this magical moment to happen for us to then say, okay, yeah, this is it. This is exactly what I need to be doing in my life. And, friend, here's the thing, you get to decide. You get to create exactly what you want in your life. And in your business. You get to create exactly what you want. In your finances, in in your health, you get to create exactly what you want in your relationships and in your experiences in life. And yet, we hold ourselves back. Because we feel as though we only have certain options, when really, we have been given the opportunity to create whatever it is that we desire. Now, just because we decide to do it doesn't mean that it's a fait accompli. Okay, there's a little bit more to it than just that. But for some of you right now listening, you haven't even gotten to that point yet. And, hey, there is no judgement here.

Because, as I said previously, I was also in the same place where I was waiting for the perfect answer, the perfect moment, the perfect thing. And really, I think the underlying root for me was the will of God. For you, it could be something completely different. But what I want to encourage you today with is that if there's something that you want, you get to decide if you want to do it or not. You can say yes, and you can say no. So I want to encourage you with that today. Now next week, I want to continue with this conversation. And I'm going to talk to you about a little bit more about expectations. And I want to talk to you about what does that look like when you're setting those expectations in your life. So once you've decided what it is that you want, how do you take that and manifest that in to your life. So I love for you to join me next week. And I'll be chatting about that. But if you need a little extra support over the week, and you would love to join me for a free zoom call, I am hosting the mindset mentor circle every Wednesday at 12pm. Eastern Standard Time. This is a safe space for online coaches and entrepreneurs to just be real, and to have community to receive coaching, and to really release some of these limitations in a space where you can get a rapid transformation. And you don't have to worry about any fear of judgment, you just get to show up and be yourself. And of course, the bonus is it is free. So I'd love for you to join me. There is a link in the show notes for you to join and sign up for the mindset mentor circle. So I just want to say thanks for hanging out with me today if we have not connected I hope that we do. You can find all my links in the show notes afterwards. And I can't wait to be with you again next week. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 16:09
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