210 | A New Dimension of Expectation


So when you are able to root out those limitations when you’re able to root out those limiting beliefs in your life and start to see the possibility, that’s when you’re going to go from worry to expectation, and that’s going to raise you up, that’s going to elevate you to really start attracting what it is that you desire within your relationships, within your finances, within your business in all areas of your life.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

What are you expecting in your life and business?

Maybe you’ve been afraid to expect too much for fear of being disappointed or let down. But to the degree, you hold your expectations — is what you’ll get in return.

The good news is that you don’t have to live in the energy of uncertainty. You can shift your mindset to that of expectation and attract what you desire.

Join me for Elevate Your Mindset - a five-week coaching program that will help you shift your mindset to attract what you desire in your life and business.

If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 20-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Andrea Crisp 0:00
The beauty of believing that you are in a place of expectation in your life is trusting and knowing that God universe source desires to give you anything that you desire in life. But on the flip side, when you're living out of a place of worry, that's when you're playing the what if game. So today on the podcast, we're going to talk about how to go from a mindset of worry to a mindset of expectation.

Kate 0:26
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:50
Hey there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am your host, and I am so excited to be joining you today to be talking about a new dimension of expectation.

Maybe in your life, you have been in a place where you are just like, Yeah, you know, I don't really expect anything. I don't really put anything out there. Because well, you know, I'm never sure that it's going to come back to me. Well, one of my friends, not that long ago actually told me that she does not expect things to happen. So when I asked her why that is, she responded and told me Well, you know what, honestly, I'm just afraid of being disappointed. And that is no way to live.

When we don't expect things to happen in our lives, just for fear of disappointment, of rejection of even, you know, uncertainty in our lives, we get a whole lot of nothing back. Okay? And how sad is it to go through life with this belief that God source universe does not want to deliver anything that would help us give us prosperity, or abundance or happiness or joy within our lives.

So today, if you are struggling with worrying, if you're struggling with that uncertainty, you're struggling with thinking that there's just not enough and you want to raise your level of expectation, you want to elevate your mindset, then I want you to stay tuned, because we're going to talk about how you can do that. But before we do that, before we get to that today, I want to share with you that I am starting a brand new coaching program called well... duh duh duh... Elevate Your Mindset. And we're going to do that exact thing, we're going to go through the five key shifts that I believe every coach and entrepreneur needs to make within their life in business, to really move past those limiting beliefs, of comparison of lack of feeling like you're not enough, so that you can start living out of a place of expectation, because here's the thing, friend, what it is that you are putting out into the universe, you attract back to you.

So if you're living out of a lack mindset out of a limited belief, you are going to attract that back into your life and into your business. And that might be the reason why things are not moving along as fast as you'd like them to. So when you shift those beliefs, you start elevating your mindset, you're going to see that you start attracting new things into your life and into your business, and is going to totally shift the trajectory of where you have been going. So I will put all of the information in the show notes and you can take a look at it. We're starting May 12th. love to have you join me for elevate your mindset.

Okay, so let's get back to the topic at hand, which is really stepping into a new dimension of expectation. So last week on the podcast, I was sharing with you what happened to me personally when I went to Florida, and I had this huge revelation around the fact that I get to decide what it is that I want. And I really felt like this was a huge pivotal moment for me because it really helped me to see that I am truly add cause for my life. Now if you haven't had a chance to listen to the episode, go ahead and pause this one and go back and listen and then you can jump back to this one again.

But today, I want to talk to you about kind of the next point which is setting your expectation. Because if you're not expecting things to happen in your life for good things to happen, then you're on the flip side where you are in a State of worry. Now Bob Proctor talks about it this way, the same amount of energy really is fueling both worry and expectation. And if you've ever found yourself in a state of worry, a state of uncertainty, maybe around your health, maybe around your finances, maybe around your relationships, you know, that it is likely that you continue to attract that into your life. And you're like, Yeah, I keep getting sick, I keep losing relationships, I don't really have what I want in my life or in my business. And that is because what it is that we put out there is what is coming back to us attracting back basically, like a magnet, because we are energetic beings. And everything around us is energy. So we are attracting like to us. So it is so important that we shift from a state of worry of lack of limitation to a state of expectation. And the beauty of all of this is that you get to decide what it is that you want. Going right back to last week's episode, right? You get to decide what it is that you desire, and expect out of the different contexts in your life, whether they be health, finances, relationships, your business.

For years, I worried myself into toxic relationships, I worried myself into jobs that just weren't fulfilling and ended up getting fired many, many, many, many, many, many times. I was in jobs that were so stressful, and disempowering that it left me feeling as though I was never going to move forward within my life. And those worrying thoughts really spiraled into anxiety and depression. And that kept me from being able to really build the business, the coaching business that I desired. And it took me many years to really understand and pull all of this kind of apart, seeing how I limited myself, how I had really set myself up to be in this place of uncertainty and worry, and never really, truly seeing that I could expect something amazing to happen. And what I didn't know, then, but I know now is that worry is actually a self fulfilling prophecy. So I was literally attracting those negative things into my life by worrying about them by thinking about them. And when I was in my, you know, beginning stages of coaching business, I was doing the exact same thing as well. And in fact, I remember meeting a good friend of mine, and he was telling me how hard the coaching industry is and how so few people make it, and most people will fail. And guess what I bought into that believed it, set it as my expectation and really thought that that was going to happen to me as well. And I even had to pull that apart and say, You know what, if that's what I expect to happen, then that is what is going to be happening in my life. So how does this apply to you?

Well, maybe there's an area in your life right now that comes top of mind that you're like, oh my gosh, Andrea, you are hitting the nail on the head when it comes to this because I am living in a place in my life. In a state where I'm worried about something I'm worried about how things are going to shift are going to change. What if this? What if that.

And I want to tell you right now that you don't have to stay there. One of my coaching clients that I was just talking to not that long ago, we talked about a relationship in business that he had recently lost, and in this relationship was a tremendous amount of income that was flowing into his life. Okay, when that relationship was lost of no fault of his own, he was worried that he would never be able to recoup that money, that that income was gone forever. And so he was worrying himself into like, now what what am I going to do what's, you know, oh, no, like the sky is falling, the sky is falling, right? And here's the thing we talked about, well, what if you started to shift that mindset and reframe it and start to see the possibility of what if this new relationship is actually going to propel you even further in your business give you more growth, more opportunity, and it's even better than the one you previously had. But all of this is really about getting super clear on what it is that you desire. And putting forth those expectations in your life, and believing that God universe desires to deliver on those things.

And sometimes it feels like oh my gosh, well, how do I go from one to the other? How do I switch from a place of worry? To a place of expectation? Well, first of all, you want to know, what is the limiting belief that is holding me back? What do I believe to be true about my life? And why am I in this state of worry? What is holding me back and keeping me in this place of continuously? Asking the what if question. And when you start to see, okay, well, maybe this is a pattern from childhood, maybe this is something I learned maybe this is something that was said to me, you can start to root out that belief. And you can replace that belief with something more empowering in your life. And if you're not sure how to do that, I'd love to help you with that, I can walk you through a process that will help you to not only discover what the belief is, but actually to shift it and change it. And we're actually gonna be doing that within elevate your mindset.

So when you are able to root out those limitations, when you're able to root out those limiting beliefs in your life, and start to see the possibility, that's when you're going to go from worry to expectation, and that's going to raise you up, that's going to elevate you to really start attracting what it is that you desire within your relationships, within your finances, within your business in all areas of your life. So I would love to have you join me for this a five week coaching program or starting mid May jump in this is the very first round that we're doing the investment is incredibly good. It's only $555. So easy for you to jump in and make these shifts right now in your life and in your business. So go ahead, click the link in the show notes. You'll you'll see all the information, feel free to connect with me. Ask me any questions that you might have. But don't miss out on this opportunity right now because I really truly believe that this could be the exact thing you need, really to shift you out of this place. And I would love to help you and guide you in this journey.

Friend, thanks for hanging out with me. I can't wait to see you be a part of Elevate your mindset. And until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly.

Kate 12:51
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