
EP 264 | Wealthy Women Change The World

With Amy Getz

So many of the rules that we live by were created by a patriarchal society and I inherently believe that money is feminine.
— Amy Getz

Wealthy women truly have the power to change the world. The problem is that there are so few women who have wealth or believe that they can create it. This week on the podcast, I am chatting with Amy Getz, a financial advisor who is on a mission to help women create wealth first in their minds and then in their pocketbooks. Amy Getz believes wealth and financial freedom are for everyone. She is a financial advisor with www.ircwealth.com, an SEC-registered boutique investment firm, a CPA, and a CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst). Amy is on a mission to educate individuals about their finances and empower them to set big goals for their financial future. Letting go of limiting beliefs around money and facing the real numbers allows people to quiet the stress loop in their minds and elevate everyone around them. Wealth in the hands of good people changes the world. When she’s not working, Amy loves to travel with her family, connect with friends or read a good book.





Connect with Andrea: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


233 | Renew Your Mind Body And Spirit


What you pay most attention to in your life will be where you see the most growth and expansion.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

What you pay most attention to in your life will be where you see the most growth and expansion. Are you focusing on the health of your body, soul and spirit as much as you are working in your business? Today on the podcast I'm sharing three modalities that have helped me reshape my inner world (body, soul and spirit).

Connect on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast

Join Weekly Community Call: Mindset Mentor Circle

Book a FREE 20 min Discovery Call: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

Are you ready to step into your LIMITLESS potential? The Limitless VIP Experience is for the ambitious ‘soul-centred’ entrepreneur who is ready to release old subconscious limitations and step into strategic vision, abundance, and confidence in every area of life and business.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


What you pay most attention to in your life will be where you see the most growth and expansion. So let me ask you a question. Are you focusing on the health of your body, your soul, your spirit, as much as you are focusing on working in your business? Today on the podcast, I'm sharing three modalities that have helped me reshape my inner world, body, soul, and spirit. Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love?

Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine that was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.

Hello, friend, welcome to the courage cast, I'm so glad that you're here today, I have something really exciting to share with you. And it has had a significant impact in my life, personally, and professionally. And since it is my birthday month, the month of October, I want to offer you three beautiful guided meditations to help you create more abundance, to activate your personal power, and to help you manifest your limitless potential. And I'm also including with the guided meditations, journal prompts to help you really reflect and move forward in your life. So if this is something that interests you, this is a special that I am doing just around my birthday. And so there is a link in my bio that will direct you to those guided meditations.

Now, a few months ago, I had to take a step back from my business and really reevaluate how I was showing up in it. I had been putting in a tremendous amount of work. And, you know, I first started my business in the hustle culture. And so, you know, I was not new to, you know, putting a lot of work into everything I did, and putting a lot of effort in. But I was finding that even though it was putting so much dedication and work and time into what I was doing, I was not getting the results that I truly wanted. And it was actually taking a toll on me on my body physically, on my mind, and, you know, having anxiety all the time, and really in my spirit. So like I felt energetically off all of the time. And my exhaustion level was super, super high. Now, I love a good nap. I'm somebody who naps every single day. But this was far beyond that. Every single day, I felt completely depleted. And I realized, after some time that I was leaking energy all over, and I didn't really even understand the concept at the time. So even as I'm, you know, sharing it with you, I was like, What do you mean, I'm leaking energy, like I like all I can think of is like leaking, you know your car, leaking oil underneath from the bottom of your car or something like that. But, you know, really what was happening to me was I was not being able to sustain what I was doing, because I was giving away too much of my energy and not staying in my own power. And so I did you know what every curious person does than that when they're trying to figure out what's going on and what's going wrong. I googled it. I went to Google to find out what the heck is happening to me. So good old Google. There, I was looking for the answers. And it's so interesting, because it's like the saying, you know, when you're ready for the teacher, the teacher appears I don't think that I set up correctly. But that's really what happened. When I needed the answers. All of a sudden, people appeared in my life, I found articles, podcasts, books, all sorts of things that really led me to understanding the energetic blueprint in my life and how that works. And some of that came through human design. Some of that came through just understanding my own intuition and how I work energetically. But let me back up just a little bit.

So I realized a few years ago that I am an empath, and when I realized that it was because I had I started to see how I was taking on energy of the people in my life. And it first showed up in a relationship that I was in. And I was thinking all the time, like, you know, I'm having thoughts and feelings that don't feel like me. And I wonder if you know, this is even how I'm really feeling or if this is the other person. And sure enough, it wasn't me, it was actually the other person, I had created an energetic tie with the guy I was dating. And all of a sudden, I was taking on his energy. And this was a huge realization for my life, because I started to see how easy it was for me to take on the energy of other people, and to give away my own, and this is, when I realized that it was time for me to start learning how I could function, Body Soul spirit, in a way that continued to keep me moving forward in my life, and also kept me on my own path. And during this time, I was having all sorts of big emotions that I didn't know what to do with, you know, like, I would feel frustrated or disappointed, or, you know, all of these different big emotions, and I didn't know what to do with any of them. So instead of doing anything, I would just sleep, I would just go to bed and like, take lots of naps, as I mentioned, you know, fatigue is a big precursor to really understanding if you're leaking energy, because, you know, obviously, it completely just depletes your body. And not only that, but I was really also feeling like I wanted to be alone all the time. And that stemmed from needing to recoup my own energy. And the only way I knew how to do that was by being alone. Because when I would be alone, eventually I would, my energy would come back to me, and all of a sudden, I was able to kind of keep going. But I didn't want to function that way anymore. I didn't want to always be tired, I didn't want to always have to be alone. And that didn't serve me. That wasn't how I wanted to live my life.

So I had to figure out ways in order for me to really guard my energy levels, and guard what I was putting out there and what I was taking in. And maybe you can relate if you are someone who also considers themselves an empath, or you're just very sensitive when it comes to emotions or other people's energy. And when I realized that I was, you know, in a in a position where I had to figure all of this out, I started to do guided meditations, which is why I'm super excited about offering these guided meditations for you. Because they were a way for me to dial in and to ground back into myself, and to allow myself to regulate my nervous system, because there was a hypnosis element in there, as well as some visioning. And I would take time to really, really allow my body to ground into this meditation. And it's funny, because I didn't know that some of the practices that I was using through guided meditation, there were some things that I had actually been doing for many years as a singer, when I would warm up, and I would do breathing exercises, and I would do all sorts of things to be moving energy and emotions through my body by singing. And so it was really interesting, I made the correlation between the two. And all of a sudden, I was like, Wow, it's so fascinating to me that our bodies that store all of these emotions, can we can release emotions. And we can release all of these things that we're holding, when we are moving them through our body through meditation, through releasing through Reiki through all sorts of different modalities. I mean, so many of them are breathwork, Hypno, breathwork, all sorts of things. And so, I started to realize how important it was that we renew our mind, our body and our spirit. And really, when you think about the body, you know, we are consistently doing things every single day we have to make, you know, decisions in our lives and how we make those decisions depends on how our body feels like if we don't feel well if we have a headache. If we have neck problems, sciatic problems, all of those decisions will be influenced by you know, pain that we're in or you know, feeling unwell or being fatigued or any of those things. So really feeling 100% or close to 100% in our bodies is so, so important. And then when it comes to soul, that's our mind will and emotions and really being in a place where we are able to function with our decision making mind will and emotions in a way that truly allows us to have health and wholeness. And then, of course, in our spirit, which is really another word for energy.

So what I have discovered for myself, and what I wanted to share with you were three different modalities that have really helped me. And I want to actually walk you through one of them. And it's a breathing technique, that's the first one. Because I've tried all sorts of forms of breath work, I've tried Hypno breath work, I've tried all sorts of things. And there are many times where breath work is like, amazing, like, it works well for me. But there are often times when I'm just so like fatigued, that when I'm doing breath work, I actually fall asleep. And so I mean, that's great, because then I get a good nap. But it doesn't help me to get the result I need right away when I am in a moment where I need to regulate my nervous system. So this is something that I do with my clients, it is something that I do with my voice students, but it's called Box breathing. And so when you're box breathing, you're actually taking a breath all the way down to your belly, and then you're breathing in for a count, you could use a count of four, you can use count of six, you could use a count of eight, and then you're holding your breath for that same count, then you're releasing your breath, and then you're holding your breath again. So it's like a box. So you breathe in for a count of four, hold for a count of four, breathe out for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four. So that's like a box. So I want you to do that. Like if you're in a place where you can do that right now. Just sit comfortably. Or if you're standing up, just make sure that your back is nice and tall. And just take in a nice, deep breath all the way to your belly and breathe in for a count of four. So I'll count you through it ready 1234, hold 234 Release 234 Hold 234. It's as simple as that, you can do it in a repetition of three. And really, that will help you quickly reset your nervous system. If you feel like you can go for a count of six or a count of eight, then I encourage you to keep it going. And just focus in on your breath. And when you are focusing in on your breath that really helps you ground in to your body.

The other thing that I have also been doing is called segmenting my intentions. So I talk about intentions all the time and how I make intentions for my day. But one of the things I've been doing lately is I'm making intentions for the segments in my day. So like my morning routine, I have an intention for that. When I am going to take the dog for a walk, I have an intention for that when I'm going to get on a client call and make a clear intention about what I want to feel during that client call. When I have a family function, or I'm going to go out or I'm going to go to sleep, I have intentions for each of those things. And it helps to keep me focused on what I desire. Because so often we can go back into those old limiting beliefs, those old anxious thoughts, and when, when we set intentions for what we desire, it keeps us focused on what we do want.

And of course, there are the guided meditations and visualizations which I have talked about earlier, which are so good at really getting to the subconscious level, helping you visualize what you desire for the future. And these three techniques are something that I use and they have been super helpful and they're very simple. So the breathing technique I just use the box breathing helps to regulate my nervous system. Segmenting my intentions really helps me get clarity on what I desire in the day. And by the end of the day. It's amazing how much more productive I've been. And I'm like oh, Oh, my goodness, like the day went really well. Funny how that works. And then the third thing is using guided meditation and visualizations.

So I hope that these three modalities help you to renew your body, mind and spirit in a way that keeps you creating momentum in your life personally, and in your business. Because when we are taking steps to really care for ourselves and have that self care, that is when we're able to, you know, take bigger risks, and that's when we're able to step out courageously, and really do the things that we feel called and compelled to do. If you want to grab those three meditations, make sure you go to the link in the show notes. They will be available for you there.

Friend, thank you so much for hanging out with me today. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely. If you like this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilly