EP 253 | Your Transformational Moment


Life can be so fragile and so short. How are we living life? Now? How are we telling that story? How are we being and how are we are allowing?
— Andrea Crisp

Thinking about sharing your own personal story can feel very overwhelming whether it be online, at an event, on a networking call or even across the table from someone you really care about. For years I hesitated when it came to sharing my own story because I didn't feel like it was exciting enough. I would see all of these people who had come through these incredible odds and were now sharing their story with the world and I felt small and invisible. One thing I didn't know back then was that people want to hear the about the small shifts that take place in your life. It's not always about the big moments.

Today on the podcast we have a very special guest -- Courtney Elko a Business Coach who focuses on helping you share your transformational story. No matter where you find yourself in your story telling journey -- I believe this episode is going to help you share your transformational moments with your community.

Courtney was one of my first clients to go through the VIP LIMITLESS EXPERIENCE. In this episode she shares her personal takeaways and how it has shifted her into that next level in her business. Click HERE to learn more about the VIP Limitless Experience.

Courtney Elko, of Go Live Your Story, is a former journalist turned business coach. Courtney helps female entrepreneurs to get curious about their own story so they can share it in their messaging, content and marketing in order to expand their business.

Connect with Courtney: @goliveyourstory

Connect on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to the Curagecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, and empowerment coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my destiny. Now I coach people across the globe, who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact with a blend of practical and spiritual advice. My desire is that courage cast empowers you to take brave steps in your own life, and business.

Thinking about sharing your own personal story can feel very overwhelming, whether it's online and event, or networking call, or even when you're across the table from somebody you really care about. In for years, I hesitated when it came to sharing my own story. Because honestly, I just felt like it wasn't interesting enough, I would hear all of these other people who would speak and share of these incredible stories where they overcame these insurmountable odds. And now they're sharing their story with the world. And I just felt small and insignificant. But one thing I didn't know back then, was that people actually want to hear about the small shifts that take place in your life. It's not always about the big moments. And friend, I am so glad that you are tuning in today to the courage cast. Because we have a very special guest, Courtney Alko, who is a business coach who focuses on helping you share your transformational story. And honestly, she has been so helpful, even helping me to share my own transformational story. So no matter where you find yourself in your storytelling journey, I believe this episode is going to help you share your transformational moments with your community, you're gonna make a bigger impact. And trust me when I say it is going to magnetize clients to you. And Courtney was also one of the very first clients to go through the VIP limitless experience. So in the episode, we're going to talk about her personal takeaways, and how it has shifted her into that next level in her business. So get ready. Make sure you have your notepad handy, because this is really going to help you take your story to the next level. Courtney, welcome to the courage cast. I am so glad that you're here today. I'm just really excited to talk with you. We always have so much fun. When we have conversations with each other. They last generally a very long time. Thank you. So I'm really excited that you're here on the show today.

Yeah, I'm excited to be here. And yeah, we and we tend to touch on all the things when we when we have conversations that I love that we really do. It's It's funny how when you meet somebody, virtually how you can feel as though you know them in real life. Yeah. And it's almost kind of like it's surprising that we don't live in the same play. Yeah, and that we're not like in real life friends. But it kind of feels that way. And we met through a mastermind that we were both in and 2022 sales and social with Gillian Murphy. And we became friends. And I got to know you. And we got to collaborate on some things together. But I always love having people introduce themselves. And tell the audience a little bit about yourself and what you're passionate about.

Yeah. So yeah, I am Courtney, Elko of Go live your story. And I'm a business coach with kind of a focus on storytelling and content creation. My, in my previous life pre pandemic, I have nearly 20 years experience as a journalist in news and travel websites. So after being laid off in the pandemic, I decided it was finally time to start my own business, which was something I've realized now that I've always wanted to do since I was a child. It took me a minute to figure out what type of business that a writer and editor could have. What kind of besides writing, what, what kind of skill can I have? I think it clicked for me that I always thought that everyone could tell a story and I think only recently did it clicked for me that not everyone is great at that or they maybe need some help with that too. Once I finally realized that my superpower was not everyone's superpower, I could help them. use storytelling to grow their business. I figured out, I figured out what my business was. And I'm a little over a year and a half into into being a business coach at this point, and I'm loving every second of it.

Now, you had some pretty fun jobs before.

Yes, you became a business coach.


And, you know, set you up very nicely for what you're doing now. But there's one in particular that I would love for you to share about and it's your travel job.

Yes, yes. That was an awesome job. That was a dream job. Honestly. I've had several layoffs in my career, and I was the one before that Job was a long one. It's when I got the travel job, sobbed with tears of gratitude. I was so excited that I finally got the job because it was I was transitioning from news into the travel space. And it wasn't easy to do. And it is a dream job. So to get it was great. But yeah, so I travel, I worked for a family travel website. And our parent company is a big brand travel company or website, I guess you could say. They specialize in hotels. They have they had a bunch of content websites. And mine was a family travel website. So I would maybe like once a month travel around and tour a ton of hotels, we we wrote a lot about hotels, with the perspective of a mom wanting to book that hotel. Where was the nearest bathroom from the pool, like that kind of stuff? Yeah, and then I would come back and write about it. It was very cool. We would write like, like a whole Destination Guide, because we would also go see, I've seen many a butterfly farm, many years do anything to get involved animals, that's usually where we were sent. And they were all great. And then hotels, and then we would write about the whole, like, if you were planning your trip, here's where you would stay what you would do, and like restaurants and all that kind of stuff. But then a lot of the work was also done sitting from my desk and Googling things. So why will travel was amazing. Like it wasn't all that there was there was downtime from the travel for sure.

And it was a way for you to write and to share. But what is the difference now between like what you were doing and how you're able to like, you know, share with your writing and your content and all that now? Yeah, yeah, difference.

I'm writing for myself now, which is until I my own story now, which is was a huge shift that I had to make. For sure. I had for almost 20 years been writing very well other people's stories and sharing other people's news world tragic events, business features, new opening of businesses, good, bad, ugly, and then in the news and in the news industry. But then in the travel space, I'm still telling other people's stories, I was promoting the zoo. And so when it was, it was a hard shift for me in the beginning, when I started my business that it was okay to use the word I and talk about myself, because that's like a huge nono in journalism, you don't insert yourself into the story. So that was that was a shift of that, um, I think I think I'm pretty good at it now. But it took some time for sure to just tell a story about me. And now I do it all the time. But that in business, you have to talk about you, you and your business and your offers and all the things.

Yeah, it is a different, you know, way of you know, communicating because you're you're doing it from first person, which makes a huge difference. And, and I think that the storytelling component of you know, business, I think is really important. Because in order to share who we are and share our transformation and share the things that are, you know, our own sphere, we have to be able to share those stories with people and share those opportunities to learn and opportunities for transformation. Yes, and which is why it's so important for people to understand how they can share their messaging and how does that how does that really tie in to business like what like, what does that mean when you when you say like that you help people share their story through their content as a business coach?

Yeah, yeah. Um, to me, there's a story in in everything, and I'm noticing noticing a lot now. That or maybe it's more of like a newer business owner thing. It's the they educate. It's, I can help this is how I help You do this better, here's a tip for this. And that's great the education and the tips and how to fix this or that is wonderful, but it's not telling me a story. It's telling me how to fix something, which is great. But I want to know about you more, I want to know about who you are. And I could find those same tips if I google or if I watched someone else's story. So getting to know you as a person and as a as a business owner. That gets me to know and like you, I already trust you because you're educating me, but I want to know and like you, and your story is what's going to get me to know it like you. And it shows me that you're human also, like I think it it humanizes the story, your story, it humanizes everything. And there's a story, your actual business story, how you came to be a business owner. But then there's a story and all of your offers also like you, there's a reason why you created the offer that you created. There's a story behind that. And if you can share the actual story behind it, and why you've created it. It's much more powerful than you get six calls and Voxer and all that kind of stuff.

Yeah. Because you see that a lot. Yes. And, you know, and it's funny, because, you know, you and I have had multiple conversations around this. And, you know, even still, there are times when I forget, you know, yeah, oh, yeah, I was saying, you telling a story. Or I don't find this interesting. No one else is gonna find, right. But you've always you've also told me many times that sometimes even the most supposedly uninteresting things, yeah, can be very interesting for other people. Absolutely. Why is that? Because it, I mean, we're all just plugging away, we all don't have these crazy, amazing experiences on the daily, like, they could be a little shift or a little story, I coach my clients to find their transformational moments. And a transformational moment, it sounds like it's so big. And a lot of times it can be for me, one of my big transformational moments was being laid off from my travel job. So I could then start my my business. But it could also be just reading a book, or you took a walk and had like an epiphany on this walk. A transformational moment can be small. And those small things are the stats, the story that people want. And if you want to share, oh, I was on this walk and a deer ran across the thing. And it made me think about this instead of Valley. That is a story right there. And it was a deer walking across a path. Like it wasn't a big that happens all the time or depending on where you live. But yeah, it can be something small that you absolutely can share. It's something I even I mean, your daily routine is nice to share. But sometimes something different out of your daily routine is a nice, just fun story to share. I went to the grocery store, and this happened. Like it's just something different to share. And it rounds you out as a person like, Oh, she goes to the grocery store, too.

Yeah, you know, and I think we forget that right? Like I think as Ben as business owners, we get lost in some of the other details and forget that to share the humaneness of us Yeah, of our lives of our story of our journey. And I was just recording another podcast with my friend Kristen, who you've met virtually. And she we were talking about storytelling in the context of you know, sharing it through music. So it's really interesting today that I'm like talking to different types of storytellers. Yes. And, and how our journey or like our life journey is such is a story. Yeah, is the transformation. And there's like, points along the way where we have learned something or we've had that transformational moment, and then sometimes we're going to be talking about those big markers. And then sometimes we're going to be talking about the deer in the road. Yeah. You know, for me, it's a bear. Oh, yes. You do have I found those very interesting stories when you were sharing them cuz I don't have bears in my daily life. So you're telling me what is cool for me.

I remember. I remember when I was walking was like 730 in the morning, I was talking to my friend Katie on the phone. I this is pre the dog, you know, so yeah, it wasn't here. And I'm walking and I'm coming back. There's a trail that leads down the road and then you have to come back the same way you came. Okay. So there's only one entrance in and out. Yeah. And so anyways, I'm walking back and I have to go through that, that place to go back out onto the road. And that's where I see the bearer across the swamp. Oh, geez now is far enough away that I was like it was probably not gonna get to me. But in my mind, I was like, yeah, it could get to me. And I remember I'm on the phone with her. And like, there's a bear. There's a bear. There's a bear. And she's like, what, what? And I was like, There's a bear. And I'm like, I stopped, like, actually having a conversation. Yeah, she's like, Well, what do you want me to hang up? I'm like, No, right? Yeah. She's probably thinking she gets attacked by a bear. I'm definitely hanging out.

I don't want to share the attack. Meanwhile, I said, just stay on the phone. And I just started running. Yeah, I just started running. Anyways. Needless to say, I didn't have there was no, you weren't attacked by a bear. Big incident yet the bear. But that summer, I think I saw a bear three times three or four times. And I finally did get the puppy that that year. And there was one time that we were in the car. And just the same, same trap. And so hold up. Yeah, I just pull up in the car. And as we were pulling up, the bear was going headed into the woods. And we did a U turn around. Yeah. And of course, coffee was so small. She was like she actually looked like a small bear.

Oh, yeah. Use the actual bears. Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's a that's a fun story to share and something different. And for people who don't have bears in their daily life, like that's, I remember what you shared something similar on Instagram stories, and I was enthralled like it, you gotta make it out. I hope she hope she gets to happen. Because bears are terrifying to me. They're one of the animals that have like that. But yeah, and that's different. A different thing. That was a small different thing. I'm sure in your in your daily life a small thing that was interesting and fun to share. And just it grounded you out? Oh, Andrea lives in a place where there are there's like it just it tells me more about you without just giving me a list of things about you.

Yeah, it's it's, it's really interesting to actually think about the things that you can share and the stories that you can tell. And I don't know, I probably need to do a better job at it. Which is why we have people like you to continually remind us of those things. Yeah. Now, we had an opportunity to work together not not long ago. And you did one of the VIP experiences. Yes, I was just really launching them. And really, like, we talked a lot about transformational moments. Yes, yes. During even the time that we were working together, and I would love for you to share like, what, what was that like for you when it comes to your own transformational moments?

What What was the experience? Like? Yeah, yeah. Um, I Well, I feel like I'm still transforming. There's that, but I can definitely I definitely feel a shift. I mean, just today getting ready for this podcast, like, I got ready for the day. Like, I was like, Oh, let me take a shower. And like actually put on a sweater and take off the sweatshirt that I've been wearing all weekend. So I think just like it worth, it's little shifts that I know are going to add up to bigger shifts eventually. And it's it's those little transformational moments, there was no like, I mean, the actual experience was amazing. And that was a big a big thing. But like afterwards, it's just these little things that I'm building on top of each other. Like, I'll just keep pushing the next one. Okay, there's one little thing notice I have another one. And I know all of that is going to be huge. Like I can definitely feel like, way more confident. And I thought I was pretty confident before the experience. So the level of confidence that I have now and like, oh, okay, like this, I this could be better. Like that's awesome. Now can can we talk a little bit about the mindset shift that you had? Yeah, around change?

Yes. Yeah.

Tell me a little bit about how you felt prior to doing the VA VIP experience when it came to change, and how you feel now? Well, see I didn't even realize I had an issue. I mean, I knew I had an issue with change, but I didn't realize like it was an issue until the rehab until you pointed it out. And I knew I was always like my thing like I just don't like change. But I thought that's just like who I was. So I going into our VIP experience, I No way thought that that's where we were going to be heading. So then when that was revealed, I was like, wow, and then seeing how not liking change affects all the other things was very eye opening to me and working through that.


Can you give me an example of like, what are one of those things that, you know, it was impacting?

I think, maybe just being open, just being open to it, like I'm set in my ways. And while I think with with loving travel, travel is a huge part of who I am. And I love to explore, and I'm curious and want to see new places. And but it didn't really occur to me that that equals change, like those. I was not letting that happen more for me, because I wasn't being open to possibilities and opportunities. Like, I think it was changing the word changing the word change, to possibilities and opportunities over change. I think that that was a shift for sure. Just the language being used was Yeah, yeah.

And now, you know, like, when you think about being a business owner, and somebody who is, you know, like, online all the time, and, you know, really walking other people through and experience themselves. Why is it important that you can embrace change or possibility?

Yeah. Because business changes, you need to have flexibility. And in business, that's for sure. That's definitely something I've learned. And I do think I was, I've been always able to do that, when it comes to content, and creating content that I can pivot with, with a posting of something because coming from a news background breaking news would happen, and you'd have to change shift, we were going to write this today. But now this happened to we have to change. So was good about having a plan with my content and being flexible, if it had to change. But with all the other things, I don't think I was as as flexible. And I'm still definitely learning to be more flexible. But things always come up. And pivots are always needed in business and being able to be okay with that and let it go and realize that it's for the greater good. This this change in a bet about something better is happening?

Because you were open to it. Yeah, I think people it's funny when they think about change to think that like, major life move. Yeah, like I'm changing one city to another, that's change, or I was in a relationship, and now I'm no longer in one, or vice versa, you know, not being in one. And then in one that's change, but often, like we forget about the little things that are even the way we do life. Yeah. Like there's, there's certain ways that we perceive life or perceive how we are living. And we get attached to that being the way it's done. That being the way it is that being the way my life is or who I am attaching to an identity attaching to this being me. And one of the things that, you know, we talked about was, you know, attaching to the identity of while I'm just, that's me, I don't like change. And it's like, okay, if you're going to step into that next level version of yourself, you know, when it comes to business, is that identity serving you, right, in the future, right? Can you have the level of success? And can you have a level of impact that you want to have, if you're attached to the identity that I don't like change? Or I'm, this is me, right? I just don't change. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

And so you can't grow? There's no growth with that. Yes, grow for sure.

Right. And so it's, it's, you know, we think of it in the terms of like, okay, I'm just going to make a different decision and do something new. That's change. But it's not really just always that it's, it's oftentimes it's the way we view ourselves and if we, we have an attachment to something and I don't want to change it. I have no desire to be different. Yeah, because I am attached to the way I am I am attached to the person I've been Come, then, in order to, like, have the success that we want, it's really, really hard to get there because we're carrying around that old stuff. Yeah, those old stories, those old mindsets. How has shifting this helped you? How is it like giving you transformational moments? Now stepping into a new identity where you are embracing possibility? Yeah, um, I think so. My whole blog, part of the whole change thing was that I wanted to get to the destination faster. Yeah, it was all about the destination. Yeah. Right. And I think learning changing that thought and like, I literally have the T shirts and says, like, it's about the journey, not the destination, but like, I can't, it was, it was very hard to like, live that. So I think changing, that was a shift for me changing that. The journey is just as fun and just as cool. And that's what brings the opportunities and the change is the journey. The destination is like the end result is the goal or whatever. So I think learning that shift, having that shift, and I'm still working on that, but but I did actually recently had a bit of an aha moment of the whole embracing the journey thing. So I saw a friend over the weekend, and she's like, also, kinda sorta in business. And I knew she was going to ask me like, Hey, how's your business going? And I love talking about business with her like, it's safe place. I knew. Yeah, it was a good question that she would be asking. Excuse me, and, um, but I found myself like preparing my answer to her because I'm like, Ooh, what am I gonna say when she answers that? Because I am probably the most confident I've ever been in my business now. But my bank account is not overflowing with money. It's not reflecting that success that I feel I have, the two things are not connecting. And that is so weird to me. Like, I'm like, How can I be this confident and secure in my business, but also not have the dollar amounts in the bank accounts? Like it doesn't make sense to me. So I was trying to wrap my mind around that to be able to answer the question for her. And then it clicked. I'm like, This is what embracing the journey is about. Like, I'm like, Oh, my God, like this thing. That I'm doing it. But I'm, it just occurred to me that I'm like, I'm having fun and having confidence in the journey. And the bank account is the destination. And I haven't gotten there yet. But I'm cool with it. Like, that is a huge shift for me to be able to see to realize that like, I think because it was weird. Like it made me curious. I want to like think about that more, and then it clicked, then I'm like, Oh, this is the journey. Oh, yeah. I think that that right, there was was a shift. That was nice. Yes. That's amazing. You I was talking with Kristin today about surrender. And it reminds me a little bit of that, you know, that there is this, we have this point where we have almost surrender the outcome. And we have to just go okay, like, what we want in the in reality, like in the our bank account, like to see it has to first we have to believe it first, right? Before we can see it manifest. And I think so often we are we are looking to the lack of it, and envisioning the lack of the bank account or thinking it's in the lack. Yeah, versus being in the opposite, which is the belief. Yeah. And I liken it to like, even what you're talking about with the transformational moments, right. Like, there's always like the before and the after. Yep. So they're, you know, in order to have a transformational moment and to tell and to be a storyteller and to tell those moments. There was before it happened. And after it happened. Yeah. And when it comes to abundance, it's always about the belief in the after.

Yeah. Yeah.

And, you know, believe that there is going to be the transformational moment that the money is there, right or that, you know, the opportunity presents itself or that the clients come in, or, and part of the the journey is the lessons and the transformational moments that we had, that we shifted as people All Yeah. To almost move more into belief more into surrender more into all of those things that are going to make us who we are, yeah, that are going to have impact on other people. Yeah. To tell a story.

Right. Right. Yeah. Because I think that for, for me, that transformational moment is the is the teeny part of the story. It's the event that happened. It's the before and the after. That is the actual story that you're sharing. Yeah, like the pivot. The moment is the event and pivot. But the story is what happened before and what happened after. And I'm actually like, I feel like I'm already writing this, like, amazing story. But it's in I'm only at the before. So I'm like, okay, so I have all of these things that I'm ready, at some point will share and then just need that pivot arc to happen. And then so and then no, like, reality of what the actor is like, I'm envisioning the actor. But I need the reality of the actor. But yeah, it's going to be an awesome story, that's for sure.

Yeah, and I love I love hearing about things like what people are experiencing stuff like that. And it's like, you know, staying in that moment, and staying in the belief of it. Yeah. That the transformation is occurring. Yeah, you know, and, and sometimes we don't see it right away. And those things often look are almost like invisible things. Yeah. They're, they're known only to us. And then eventually, we do get to share them, which I think is really important. Like, it's funny how, like, in what I do, it's like, really working through those moments and like, actually talking about how do you have those shifts? And how do you? Like, what does that look like to shift your mindset? What does it look like to step more into confidence? And then your what you do is actually helping people tell that story? Yes. Yes. You know, when they had that moment, yeah.

The before and after? Yep. You get them to that. And then I'm like, Okay, now look back and see how that happened. Let's talk about that. Yeah, yes. Tell that story. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because you're right. It's not just, you know, I mean, we like to say it's like the bear in the woods, right? Like, oh, my gosh, it's the bear in the woods. But I think it's it's not always just the bear in the woods story that you know, it you know, it's so funny. Like, I've had so many interesting moments in the woods. Beyond that there are moments when I'll be walking, and it's just really quiet, or I'm not listening to something. I'm not listening to music or podcast, and I'm just by myself, and I hear the birds or I hear something and it's just quiet, and it's silent. And there'll be a moment where I'll have just a thought. Yep. And it's just this like, knowing or this sense. And it's not a bear in the woods moment. But it is just as important. Yeah, as the bear in the woods, you know, like, I don't know, I mean, I don't really wanna know, I'm gonna say this, but I just today I was looking at Facebook. And I came across this girl's birthday. And I was like, I think she died. Oh, geez. And she did Oh, wow. years ago. Yeah. But her birthday came up on Facebook. And I forgot about it. And I was like, and she's young. Like, she's much younger than, than I am. And she passed away, probably, I don't know, maybe three years ago or something like that. Yeah. And Courtney, I was like, I was struck by it because I thought about that. And I was like, her. Her life is like, on the earth is over. Yeah. You know, Her story's not probably finished being told, you know, through her children, and through through different things, but it was interesting to me how it impacted. Even to me today.

Yeah. Yeah.

Because I was like, oh, yeah, like she was so young. Right. And I'm like, I have so much more of my life to live. How am I living it? Yeah. Yeah. How many more stories will I tell? Am I telling those stories? Am I having those moments? am I allowing myself to be in my own story? Yeah, like just like things like that, like I was. I was really struck by that and I and then it reminded me of another Yeah. A girl that I knew both of them from the same city even. And she also passed away a couple years ago. And both of them left behind a husband and three kids. And again, I was struck again, like, you know, wow, Life can be so fragile and so short. How are we living life? Now? How are we telling that story? How are we being and how are we are allowing? I didn't know we were gonna go this way. Oh, yeah. You don't I'm saying yes. And but and that was a simple thing on Facebook that popped up that gave you that that thought act? Yes. It was a it was a little thing that made you really think and share about it now. Absolutely.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. And I think those moments are very pivotal for for our ourselves. We're not only for having a shift in our mindset, but also being able to share that with our audience, share that with our clients share that with people who are, you know, going to have a transformation because of our story and sharing. Yeah, you know, those moments with them, I think are very important and, and things that we forgot it's in the it's in the little details as much as it is in the big detail.

Exactly. Those little Yeah, those little shares are so much more important to share. Because everyone thinks their life is boring, or mundane or average or it's routine. You were scrolling Facebook, and had a bit of a lightbulb moment. And yeah, scroll Facebook every day. So but it was a something different. You saw something different today and to be able to share about that thought is is that's the story to share today that that's your story today. Yeah, yeah. And that life is it is fragile, and there are you know, we're not guaranteed, right, we're not guaranteed things and getting stuck on some of the small things. Some of the small like, and I think that's it was interesting, because then I went for my walk today before I was recording some podcasts this morning. And on my walk, I just thought, you know, I really am so grateful for my life, you know, and just being able to have you know, these opportunities to share life right now. Yeah, so reminder that Facebook post was your reminder for that today? Yeah, sure. Yeah.

On that same trail I might have you then saw a bear in the middle of winter and that was a whole nother level. Trust me I'm like oh my god they were polar bears here. Oh, man dog out there on your you're up there. Man. I'm not that far up here. But yeah. I was I'd be like, I need to get out of here No, no, no. So tell me now like now that you have had some of these transformational moments in your own life and you've had made some shifts what's what's next for you? What what is next for you in your business? And how are you You know showing up in your in your life in business in 2023? Yeah, good question. I think it's important well yeah, it's probably going deeper for me in my in my stories, I know how to share the surface level stories the I saw random Facebook posts or saw bear type of stories, but I need to go to the next level like deeper in my stories and bigger I think insurance knows I've mastered Instagram. I mean, not one it's always changing but I know what I'm doing there. But I think taking it to the next level with podcasting and and speaking engagements. And yeah, just sharing bigger sharing bigger I think is more and helping my clients to share share bigger as well.

Yeah. Oh, that's exciting. Yeah. So there's a podcast in your future there is yes, I bought a mic but that's about as far as I've gotten. And I have a tentative launch date but I've literally done nothing yet. But yes there is I've been told for years that I not years, but a while now that I should have a podcast. And I know that like I I know I want to have a podcast but I was in it was like another thing for me. And I share that I express myself best through the written word. So being able to like speak a story is next level For me, so, but I, but I also know, people will listen to a podcast more than they will read a blog post. So, yeah, it's and I can give more of a tone. And in a podcast writing like funny isn't easy. So it's easier to use it in the inflection of my voice. So it should be good. And it will be some thing around storytelling, business related, but also just fun stories to share of myself and guests.

So it'll it'll be well, I won't be but we will be looking out for it. Yes, for sure. For sure that I actually before I started the courage cast, I was writing blogs. Yeah. And this is years ago now. But I remember thinking to myself, Oh, you know what? It must be it would be so much easier just to like have a podcast. Whoever gave me that idea. Easier. I'm not too sure about because really, at the beginning, I wrote out everything anyways. And so I was just writing everything. And then almost like script, yeah. And then sharing it other than when I had guests on, but it took me forever, because I had to like, basically write it. Yeah. Then I had to record it, then edit it, then do all the things and I was like, Oh, my gosh, this is a lot of work. It was definitely easier to write a blog.

Okay. Good to know. Yeah, I can see myself doing that exam, that exact same process, and I don't want to lose, it'll be easier. I'll just like, you know, press record. I even joke sometimes now and I, cuz I do occasionally press record on on the mic and just like, Okay, I'm gonna talk. Yeah, but it's rare that I will do it like that. And I won't have notes. It's more rare. Like one in? Like, 50. Yeah. Put it that way. Yeah. Yeah. Because you really do have to have your thoughts together of what you're going to talk about and know exactly what you're going to say. Yeah. Because you know, he's gonna keep talking. Right. So it's easier to have notes. Yes. Just saying. Just tell, you know, for anybody who's out there wanting to share their story. Yes. Thank you for the tips. Yeah. I'm so glad that we got to share your story here on the on the courage guest today. Where can people find you and connect with you?

Yeah, I'm on Instagram. I am. Go live your story. And I'm love having conversations in the DMS. I have genuine conversations in the DMS. I want to get to know you and your story on a more personal level. So I respond to your stories. And yes, I love chatting with DMS.

Awesome. Well, go connect with Courtney. And I will put all of her links in the show notes so that you can find her in case you're, I don't know in the car listening to this right now. And you can't remember, you can check the show notes afterwards and make sure that you connect with her. And thank you so much, Ben for being a guest today on the show. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. This is awesome. I want to thank Courtney for being on the courage cast today for sharing her own personal transformation moments. If you want to learn how you can tell your story in a way that feels really authentic and aligned to your vision and your mission. Reach out to Courtney and friend.

Thank you for being here today. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely. If you like this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music production by Stephen Crelly.