EP 256 | Transformation Is An Inside Out Job


If someone is really, really committed to success in their life, then they are committed to doing the transformational work in their life as well. Because otherwise, they are literally suppressing, suppressing, suppressing to a point where at some point, it’s just all going to blow.
— Andrea Crisp

I know that transformation is a big buzz word that is tossed around in the coaching industry -- so today I want to break it down for you. Answer any questions that you may have about whether or not you are experiencing the transformation you desire in your life. Because when you have transformation in YOUR life it spills over into every other area of your life -- your relationships, you business, your finances. It is basically the gift that keeps on giving.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to the Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, and empowerment coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset, and take ownership of my destiny. Now I coach people across the globe, who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. With a blend of practical and spiritual advice. My desire is that the courage cast empowers you to take brave steps in your own life in business.

Hello, friend, welcome to the Couragecast. I am Andrea, I'm your host. And I'm really glad that you are going to be hanging out with me today, I want to talk to you about transformation. And it's like the perfect time of the year to talk about that, because it's just about time for the time to change. And here in Canada, well, least up where I am, things are finally starting to look a little bit more like spring is coming. And you know what, oftentimes, we neglect that we have to go through this transformational time in our lives in order for us to be ready for something new, a new season, a new opportunity.

And, you know, we think, Okay, well, I finally have gotten the healing that I needed, or I finally have the transformation that I desire, I probably don't need to do anything else. But for every new level of every new opportunity that comes your way. Transformation is required for you to be able to really hold capacity for that. And I know that transformation is a really big buzzword. It's tossed around in the coaching industry. I've talked about it a lot. So today, I want to break it down for you. And I want to answer any questions that you might have about what does transformation look like?

Because here's the thing, transformation, when it is authentic, it spills over into every area of your life. So that will affect your relationships with your family members, with your partner with your spouse, it's going to impact your business growth, it's going to impact your business relationships as well. Your finances, whether or not you are growing in your income, or able to pay down debt or anything really that you desire for your business and financial life. It's basically the gift that keeps on giving. And so I'm very passionate about this transformation that we go through. And since you're listening to the podcast, I can I pretty much can bet that you're somebody who is committed to transformation in your life. So you're not someone who is just like, wow, I don't know that I really want to, you know, do all that work. I know that you probably are someone who is digging in doing the self development, listening to the podcast, reading the books, working with people who are helping you get transformation here on life.

So when you seek healing and wholeness in your life, you want to do that not only for your yourself for you personally. But you also want to do it for your kids, for your extended family, and to leave a legacy behind. So I know that that is you because you're here today, you're my kind of person. And there are a lot of coaches who do preach about transformation. But then they really don't practice the transformation. So I decided to look up the definition of the word and here is what came up. Transformation is an extreme radical change, like full stop. So I looked at that I was like, Oh my gosh, extreme. Like that's pretty intense. Radical. Yeah, that's another intense word as well. And then change. So that means you are no longer the same. That is a complete 180 in your life.

So it's not just like kind of a change, or maybe a little different. It is extreme, radical change. And change can be scary. Let's just be real here. I worked with my friend Courtney who is also in like a fantastic business coach and story experts. And we did a VIP day together. And during that time, she talked about how she was struggling with change in her own life. And she wanted to grow her business. But really she didn't want change. When we dug into You like, what was the root of that, like, Where was this coming from, we discovered that she had actually grown up in a town that like really had never changed. And the people in the town, they don't change, they don't like change, they actually talk about how this whole entire, like area stays the same. And they kind of proud of it, actually. And she doesn't love that about the town. But she had also said that somewhere along the way, she must have adopted that belief.

So here, she was wanting to really grow her business, but having a subconscious belief that it's better to stay the same. And so, you know, when she went to go do things, her subconscious programming, was saying, no, no, don't do that, because you like things to be the same. And so she would end up sabotaging herself, every time she would go to do something, because she didn't want to have change. So that really didn't leave any room for transformation. So here's the thing, when you will have a radical extreme change, or transformation. It's all about reprogramming that old paradigm, or creating a whole new belief system, that change is good, that it is healthy, that it is necessary, and that it's beneficial for growth, and to expand for you as a person for you, in your business for you in your relationships.

And I know when I look inwardly at my own life, I've also struggled with changing things I've never, I have to laugh about it, because it really is, it's the truth. Like, you know, as much as I say, Yeah, I want to take brave steps, and I want to be courageous in my life. It's like, I really don't want to change, I really don't want things to be different. Because that would mean that I'm out of my safe zone. So even when, you know, there is potential for opportunities, I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna have to change this. And I have to change that. And just sometimes seems easier to deal with what I know, then what I don't know. Right? So like the expression says, The, you know, the devil you do know versus the devil, you don't know. And just even as I'm saying that, that's a belief right there that needs to be upgraded. So let's go there. I've obviously adopted a belief that it is better to know what possible negative challenge I'm facing, than to face another potentially worse challenge, right.

So it's better for me to know what I'm getting into than not know what I'm getting into. But that belief in itself, which is not great, I have to say means that I don't hold any room for expectation for something good. And that has been something that I have actively been working on in my own life just very recently is allowing more expectation for something good to happen. Room to believe that transformation is possible. So like, you see how I connected those dots, sometimes the subconscious is so ready to shift that all we really need to do is get curious about the possibilities, and see what beliefs may be holding us back from the transformation we desire.

So I gave the example of change, but it could be something completely different, right? And every time you're ready to go to the next level, or increase your capacity, or you really want to show up in a whole new way, there's probably going to be something that you need to release from your life. And, you know, we say okay, well, you know, I've already done the work. I've already done the mindset work friend, this is a journey. This is the long game, right? So when it comes to really having that transformation, we have to be in it for the long haul. And just going back to that expectation piece, like I've held this belief that I need to do something in order for something good to happen. So it's kind of like I do then I receive, but that's really not what holding expectation means. Holding expectation actually means that I'm partnering with the universe with God, the source the divine, and allowing good to come into my life. And that has been a real test for me lately.

So just the other day, I was scrolling through Instagram as you do, and I was like just looking at this fitness coach. And she was talking about the fact that for a really long time the fitness industry disconnected like the body portion of fitness and the mindset portion of fish fitness. It's easy for me to say. So the fitness industry was only focusing on the body. And in order to really have the transformation that people want, when it comes to their body and to their physical health, they really do need to have that mindset piece as well. Because it's an inside out job, right. So what happens first, in your mindset out works through your physicality. And this is proven to be true over and over again, when it comes to like health. When it comes to your fitness when it comes to your beliefs. Everything that you really desire is going to first start with your thoughts. And in order for you to manifest what you desire, you are going to have to have the belief and expectation that it is possible. And if you don't already have that, that is when you need transformation. And mindset is the key to every transformation.

So whether that's getting fit, losing weight, whether it's calling in a healthy relationship, an intimate partnership, getting out of debt, creating abundance, building a successful business, mindset is the key to your transformation. So sustaining any one of those things, so you have the transformation, and now you want to sustain it right. So sustaining any one of those keys comes down to having a mindset that is healthy and constantly expanding, allowing you to change, allowing for you to have continual expansion and growth in your life. That means embracing that you're continually transforming. So it's not just it has happened. And then it is done. It's like no, I continually transform and change. And that is okay. So when I first started my transformational journey, and you know what, I've talked about this many, many times on the podcast. But I won't go into that much depth here on this episode, but I struggled with anxiety and depression.

And I did the work initially to get relief from the symptoms of anxiety. And for a few years, I really did have relief, like it really did make a huge difference because I was in a bad place. And when I started to do the work it really, really like it was kind of like is this possible, like I can live like this, this is amazing. But the moment I hit another, like obstacle in my life, the stress started to come back along with the anxiety. And all of the sudden, here I was struggling with the same thing over and over again. And it honestly felt like it was worse the second time around. So I needed to dive deeper into my transformation, I needed to dive deeper into the root cause of what was really causing the anxiety and the depression.

Now, this is not what everyone has to do, I have to say, but it is what I had to do, and really meant that I had to identify what those limiting beliefs were what was causing me to be in this spiral. And I had to reframe those beliefs and start to embody the new belief. And not just stop there, it was imperative for me to release any of the emotions that were trapped within my physical body that were keeping me from having the peace that I desired. And so often, when we are in that kind of spiral of anxiety, all of a sudden, our body also takes on symptomatic physical, symptomatic things that almost make us feel like it's even worse, like we have brain fog, and we're lethargic. And you know, we want to sleep all the time. And it's like, so all those symptoms of the anxiety are being manifested through the body.

So we have to shift the subconscious belief. And then we also have to clear those emotions, we have to move them through so that our body is really able to get healthy again. So for me personally, when I did transformation, like now get ready to hear because I'm going to tell you about all the things that I did, because I've done a lot of modalities and they have worked for me for different reasons. And so I do want to share those reasons with you. In case you're like, yes, that resonates with me. So I started this is a long time ago like I started in college. I had my first counselor in college. And that's actually why I decided to get a Master's in Counseling was because it was such a beneficial experience for me. So talk therapy has been very, very good for me for getting my thoughts for really expressing my feelings.

And for, like really being heard, I have to say this, and I have to stress this because in the coaching industry, a lot of people poopoo therapists, and they're like, Well, you know, they're staying in the past, and they're just, you know, focusing on that, you know, what, there's something to really be said about someone holding space for you in a way that allows you to really talk through how you've been feeling and feel heard, feel known and feel seen, because that is not something that every person can do. A lot of times your friends can't do that your peers can't do that your spouse, your partner, your parents, they can't really hold that space for you. But a therapist really, really good therapists can. And so for me, that was a really important part of my process. So I worked with multiple therapists. Over the course of my life, I worked specifically with, you know, different kinds of therapists when I needed different things.

So it was really important for me to find somebody who worked in what I really needed help with. Then, I started working with a natural health practitioner, I talked about her as well, her name is Barb, she's a good friend of mine. And I really wanted to, you know, like, just really release the symptoms that I had been feeling because a lot of my stress and anxiety had manifested in my body. And I had come to her. And that's actually how I discovered that I had the anxiety it was because I was trying to get healthy, but I was unable to. And that is when I discovered, okay, this was the root of the problem in my body was actually the anxiety and the depression.

So we worked to really release toxins from my body to make sure that, you know, my organs were healthy. And that was a process that we went through, and I still work with Barb to this day. Then I was introduced to the neuro cycle by Dr. Caroline leaf. I love the neuro cycle. It is part of what I do within my own work, like personally, but also with my clients. And if you are interested in neuroscience, then Dr. Caroline leaf is like, amazing. I have two podcast episodes that I recorded with her. You can Google them and check them out. She is absolutely brilliant. But the neuro cycle helped to for me to process and release emotions and rewire my brain. So that is the reprogramming part because she talks about how the brain is rewired. And how it really establishes and can create new neural pathways.

Now I'm not a scientist, I cannot I'm not like really eloquent talking about it. But I'll tell you this, it is the coolest thing. Now the neuro cycle has been really, really helpful for me and has really like it was key in helping me to rewire and reprogram. But then I was introduced to neuro linguistic programming. So that is really using our language to reprogram our minds. And that was huge. And in my understanding of like how effective our language is to really help shift our mindset, as well as time techniques to remove those old stuck emotions from our timeline from our actual like,like earthly timeline, I guess, and some sometimes even going back generationally, even into past lives, which was a whole big stretch for me to learn that.

And then I also use hypnosis. And at first when I got into learning about hypnosis, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is like, Voodoo or something. And I was like, as soon as I started learning about I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is totally not it's just basically like, like guided meditations or affirmations but done specifically for you. And that to me was key. Okay, so I did not stop there. I also learned Emotional Freedom Technique, which is tapping. And that really has been super helpful for me on like a regular everyday basis like sometimes when I just kind of wake up and feel like Oh, I'm in this kind of like funky energy. That is one of the fastest ways for For me to shift my belief and really move the energy through my body is emotional freedom technique. And then I met a few friends who are Reiki practitioners, and I had a Reiki session and I was blown away by how they could clear my energy. So I have done Reiki as well. And then a friend of mine offered to do a breathwork session with me, and oh my gosh, I was like, What in the world, and because I'm a singer, and I've always really been mindful of my breathing, this really connected with me, and I started to see how the breath really helps us move through any kind of emotions that we're having, or things that are kind of not releasing from our lives.

It was great for me for creativity, and really getting the clarity that I needed. So breathwork, huge fan of that. Then I had to change my eating habits, my sleeping habits. And I worked with, specifically with relationship coaches, financial coaches, competence coaches, sales coaches, I took time to learn about the Enneagram. I'm an anagram one wing nine, by the way, and also learning about my human design. I'm a generator to four. Okay. And one more thing, Akashic Records, which was probably one of the last things that I have just more recently learned about and started to share with you here on podcast. Okay, so your mic, maybe thinking to yourself, Andrea, that is a lot.

Like that is a shit ton of things that you've done. And you'd be right, it is a lot. And that is not even including, like things that I did years past, in the church world. Like, that's a whole other thing that I've done. So as you can see, I am committed to my transformation, because for me, it is an inside out job. And the reason why I like to try different modalities, and I like to see what works is because I have clients that come to me, and you know, they need specific things. And not everyone is wired the same way. And so when I've experienced something, and I'm able to say, you know, have you tried this, or have you tried that, because I've personally tried it, and I know, you know that it works, and I can, you know, even share with them, like how it's benefited me, or share that modality with them. And that really is important part of this process.

Because all of these modalities, all of these things that we have access to give us opportunity for more expansion and transformation. And we have to find what is right for us in what season, which is like when my clients come to me that is how I work with them holistically, mind, body, and spirit. And so I take a look at like, what are their specific needs right now? And where are they at? And what do they need? And what modalities can we use out of this tool belt for them to get the transformation that they need in order to move forward in their business. And a lot of times, like they're stuck in like this overthinking pattern, and you know, can't really make decisions. And that is actually like stalling their progress in business, it's stalling them from making money from like becoming more successful. And like they're in this fear loop of having to go back to a nine to five. And so really being able to release some of those pressures, and really help them start to make those decisions quicker, and really feel good about it is key. So you don't have to do everything right. You don't have to absolutely be like I want to try every one of those modalities. I think they the key. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is it's just important to find what works for you, what is going to be something that really is helpful and beneficial to you.

And I know now, as I've been doing this, these techniques, when I need certain techniques, what is happening in my life to help me move forward. And I'm not I'm not like okay, you know what one and done like, I got it, and now I'm done. And now I'm transformed and now I'm healed and on to the next thing. And if someone says that to you, or that's what they're preaching online, or that's what they're saying. I gotta tell you this friend, there's a lot hidden beneath the surface. Right, if, if someone is really, really committed to success in their life, then they are committed to doing the transformational work in their life as well. Because otherwise, they are literally suppressing, suppressing, suppressing to a point where at some point, it's just all gonna blow. So, having said all of that, I encourage you to, you know, do some research around what would be beneficial for you.

When it comes to transformation, I listed a bunch of techniques, I listed a bunch of modalities. And if you're like, Okay Andrea, too much, definitely too much. I would rather just work with somebody specifically, let's jump on a call, let's chat about what you need. And we can kind of come up with a plan that is really tailored to you. Because there are probably things that you need that, you know, you're like, I need this, this, this and this, and I can help you to get that and really have the transformation that you desire in your life to be successful in business, be successful in your relationships, and be successful moving forward in everything you do. Okay, that was mouthful.

Thanks for hanging out with me. Make sure that we are connected. You can find me over on the gram at at Andrea crisp coach. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely. If you liked this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music production by Stephen Crelly