EP 250 | It All Starts With Surrender | Andrea Crisp


Surrender to the idea that you don’t have to figure out everything in advance.
— Andrea Crisp

The road to your future success is not paved with glitter and gold. I hate to break it to you. It's really all about releasing control, and allowing yourself to truly be seen and known for who you are.

In today's episode of The Courage cast, I'm going to talk to you about what has been happening in my personal life when it comes to surrender, and how that looks, and why I feel it is probably one of the most important things that you will have to do in order to move to the next level.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


The road to your future success is not paved with glitter and gold. I hate to break it to you. It's really all about releasing control, and allowing yourself to truly be seen and known for who you are. In today's episode of The Couragecast, I'm going to talk to you about what has been happening in my personal life when it comes to surrender, and how that looks, and why I feel it is probably one of the most important things that you will have to do in order to move to the next level.

Are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love? Welcome to the Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset and take ownership of my destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. With a blend of practical and spiritual advice. My hope is that the courage cast empowers you to take brave steps in your own life and business.

Hey there, welcome to the Couragecast. My name is Andrea, I am really glad that you're here today. You know, it is a Friday when I am sitting down to record this podcast episode. And honestly, it has been the most, I don't know. productive, crazy. Couple of days, I have had so many things happen in my life in the past couple of days and just felt like this flow. And normally on Fridays, I end my day and I shut down. But I have felt like there's just something that needs to come out of me. So I decided that I'm going to take the evening and I am going to allow what needs to come out to come out. And so as I was preparing for this podcast episode, I kept asking my higher self, what am I suppose to share. And I have this sense that there is something much bigger at play here. And when that happens, I need to move over and allow myself to be a channel for what God is sharing. So here is the crazy thing. You may have heard my story if you've listened to the podcast for any length of time. But when I first started the courage cast, I was still in full time ministry. So that meant I was a pastor. I was you know, working in music in the church, I was speaking I was really involved in the Christian faith. And I guess around I don't know, 2017 2018 I guess, things started to really shift in my life. And I started to evolve. And as I evolved, so did my faith, there actually came a point where I questioned absolutely everything I had ever known or ever been taught. So I called it my faith, deconstruction. Now you can listen to different podcast episodes about that process in my life. But over the past few months, something has been awakening in me. And it's this deeper connection or a reconnection to spirit. And it's, it's kind of hard to really put it into words because I'm still really trying to understand it myself. But it's as if the old part of me, the old Andrea, the old thoughts, ways of being old paradigms are fading from my purview. Like imagine like, I'm in a car, I'm driving, and I can see in the rearview mirror, my old life, just disappearing. And in this new light. Strangely, what I see is something that is familiar, something that I've always known. And it's the part of me that is so deeply connected to the divine. Now I say divine. In my context, I call that God. Maybe for you that looks different. Maybe you call it universe or source. Maybe you prefer a different way of referring to through your higher self, or what you refer to as the collective consciousness.

But for me, I call it the divine or God. And I feel this awakening my soul and a longing to be more connected to God, not in a religious way. And really not in like a super woowoo way either. Although I have to say, I've been allowing myself to experience a lot of different things that I would have never experienced before. And you'll probably hear about that more on some upcoming podcast episodes. Like for real, some crazy shit like, but very, very cool nonetheless. So here's the thing, I have spent the majority of my life trying to please those around me. And now if you'd asked me, if I was doing that, I would have said, Absolutely not like I'm not doing that. But what I really get honest, and I peel back the layers, I was always looking for validation, and acceptance from the people I really cared about people that were closest to me. Now, of course, this stems from a childhood wound, as it usually does. And my inner child, my little Andrea was looking for validation, and really looking for a sense of acceptance and belonging. And although I have an amazing family, like I really, really truly do, my parents are wonderful, I have a great brother, I've always felt loved and cared for. I never really felt as though I was completely seen or known for who I am.

Now, maybe you can relate to that maybe there is a part of you, that is in your family of origin or surrounded by people and you're like, you know what, I just really don't feel seen. Now, I attribute this to the fact that I was really not showing up as most authentic version of myself, I was hiding. And for years, I was trying to be what my family, my friends, my peers, expected of me or expected me to be. And in doing so I really dimmed the brightest parts of me. I kept them hidden. And I had this fear that if people really knew me, they would not accept me. And this fear kept me from truly showing up for myself, showing up for my life and showing up in my business. And some of the closest people to me, still only get the version of me that I allow them to see, like, Isn't that crazy. And I feel like I can say this, because there's no one sitting in front of me, except for my dog. She is sitting in front of me, and she gets to see the good, bad and the ugly. But it's really harder to express when you're really trying to be transparent or vulnerable. And you think to yourself, I really don't want everyone to know this. But I feel like I need to share this. Now. Because I was doing this because I was allowing my fear to hold me back. I was really afraid that my Christian friends, which I had many of and I still have many of they would think that I had like literally gone off the deep end, like, oh my gosh, she is into all of the whoo and the new age.

And, you know, basically she's going to hell. And I really had this fear that I would be judged for really taking a step into something that I had never stepped into before. And for allowing myself to experience things that I had never experienced. And yet on the other hand, I had this fear that the people I was meeting that were more spiritual, and maybe in this other lane would think that I am too religious, and that I am maybe to square I don't know, I can't I really didn't know the word but anyways. And then of course, there's my family. And I've always been afraid that my family just doesn't understand me, they don't understand what I do. And I've spent the greater part of the past few years dumbing down and hiding the truth of who I really am to those around me. To make it easier form out more palatable for them. And I have to say, all of this is fucking exhausting. Like, let's just be real, I am tired. I am tired of trying to navigate how others may perceive me because really, it's none of my business. So not that long ago, I came to this realization that in order for me to truly step into my divine purpose, that I need to allow myself to be seen and heard for who I am, even if I am still trying to figure that out myself, right. So, here I am, I'm like,

Okay, I'm in this place where I know I need to take this step forward, I really don't know what that looks like, oh, my gosh, I feel completely out of control. But at the end of the day, I had this sense, like, if I really want to have a successful business, if I really want to be in my purpose, then I have to allow myself to take this next step. And you may have heard this before. But because it's been said, like by many, many people, the entrepreneurial journey is probably the quickest path to self development and self actualization or self realization. If you want to have a business, then get ready for your life to be upended, including your relationships, your finances, and everything you ever thought to be true about yourself, your relationships, your really your connection to God source, the universe, all the things right. And quite frankly, I don't know that we talk about it enough, I don't think that this part of the journey is really shared all that much, because who really wants to let in everyone that knows them into like, kinda like the dark corner, right. But as coaches, entrepreneurs, or people in the creative space, you know, it's easy for us to talk about strategy are get excited about the wins or showcase the transformation after it's happened.

But we're doing a disservice to people when we don't talk about what happens in the middle, in the midst of the evolution or the transformation. Because we're not letting people in on the moments of the frustration, the fear, maybe some of the unbelief that you're having, letting go of self release, releasing the old ways of being. And I know for myself, like talking about those things has been really difficult, especially when it comes to the pain or loss of relationships, and the uncertainty of this journey. And the fear is, and this is, from my perspective, is that it's going to make us look weak. But the truth of it is, is that our lives are meant to be a reflection of the evolution that we're having every area of our life and business. And that can be messy, and complicated. Now, I'm not gonna lie, my own transformation, my own evolution, nicely transformation, like it's already happened. But let's say evolution, it has been really hard at times.

Starting with the loss of who I thought I was, right? This is the person who I had presented myself as who I had become over the years, because I had carefully constructed her over many, many years. And honestly, a thought of people seeing the real me scared the shit out of me, because if they did, they would see all the things I didn't want them to see, they would see the fear that I had around. Like just things in my life, the uncertainty of my future, the anxiety that I feel on a day to day basis, or rejection. And one of my greatest fears, which I really don't talk about that often was really just being alone, isolated. And yet, in my isolation, I was the one keeping myself alone and in the dark, and hidden. Which is like quite the dichotomy if you really, really think about it, right? I was afraid of being alone, and yet I'm keeping myself alone. So maybe you're wondering, okay, Andrea, why are you sharing this? Like, what? What is the point of sharing all of this with us? Okay, so my dear friend, I want you to know that it's okay to be you. That it's okay to be fully seen, that it's okay to be fully known. And that you don't have to put on airs or show up a certain way. In order to be approved of or validated. You can come man See an undone and unbecoming.

Because that's entirely what is going to be necessary for you to step into that next season of your life and business. If you come in picture perfect, needing to have all your eyes dotted and your T's crossed, and really, like, just feeling so amazing, and, you know, I'm so sure of myself, I would really, I would really second guess whether or not you're going to move to the next season of your life. I mean, it's one thing to have certainty. And it's another to just really think that you have it all together. And the moment we think we have it all together, and we have it all figured out, is a moment thing start to come on done. In the moment, we're called into the next level of surrender. And the reason why I want to share this with you is because behind the scenes, when you see someone moving into that next level for themselves, that next season of life, there is something going on behind the scenes that you don't see that you are not privy to. And you might be wondering, why are they moving into that? What is happening there? In the end? Really, the answer is, you don't know.

We don't know what's happening behind the scenes, when it comes to watching people's lives, and success. Unfold. And the truth is that people are not going to know what goes on behind the scenes in your life, either. And even with me recording this podcast episode, and sharing that this is happening, you really don't have that understanding of really what's happening in my life, right? Like, I can talk about it, I can share about it, I can tell you, but you don't really know. And so in those moments, when we get caught up in wanting to compare ourselves, or judge someone for where we think they're at, our perception of where we think they're at, or how they got there, or what's going on, or how much money they're making or any of those things. First of all, a it's none of our business. But B it's really actually keeping us from moving forward ourselves. It's really only when we allow ourselves to release control, that we can step into that moment of surrender.

Surrender to the possibility that you really don't know everything. I mean, come on now, right? Surrender to the idea that you don't have to figure out everything in advance. That one is a hard one for me. Because let me tell ya, I want to know, I want to know what's coming. I want to be prepared. I want to have a spreadsheet. I want to have some sort of structure or routine. I want to know all the things. Surrender to just being seen as you are, even when you're evolving. Even when you're a hot mess. Even when things don't look pretty surrender to just being seen and known. Surrender to being misunderstood by the people you love and who love you and know that's okay. They don't have to get it. They don't have to know. They don't have to understand and surrender to the fear and the insecurities that you have in your life right now. At this present time, so that you can move through them. Because it's okay, when the fear comes up.

And it's okay when the insecurities are there. They are just a way for you to see what you need to work through in your life. What is coming up for you. And in order for you to really step into that next season that next level you're going Need to have to release control and surrender. I really almost hesitated to say this, but I've just felt it like so much to say it. But like die to self, and allow God to do in and through you what you could not ever possibly do for yourself knowing that you are held and supported by the universe, that what is happening is for you. And I know that sometimes it's so hard. And this is the part of the transformation that takes place in our lives that we really don't want to talk about. Because this is the place where we're coming undone. This is the place where we fear people won't want to be around us or to know us or to work with us. Because what if they possibly knew all of these things about me, they could never trust me or so we think. But the more you lean into this work, the more you are honest and real and upfront with yourself. More so than anyone else is how you are going to have that transformation in your life by truly releasing control, and surrendering to what could be for your life. Now, friend, next week, I want to continue this conversation. I guess it's conversation but monologue. I don't know.

Continue what I'm talking about by sharing what it's like when you step into your divine purpose. Knowing that you have been called to something greater than what you could do on your own. So make sure that you catch next week's episode, because it's going to be a good one. And if this has resonated with you today, I want you to let me know. And please share it with someone. Tag me. Let me know what your takeaways are. One of the best ways for me to really receive from you in the energy exchange when it comes to what I'm putting out here on the podcast is for you to reciprocate by other communicating back to me sharing the episode and just letting me know that you got it. And then I know Okay, yeah.

All right, keep going on this path. And friend, trust that you are being led, you're being guided, that God universe source is working everything out for your benefit. And I'm going to be hosting a brand new series called the purposeful CEO and is coming up. The information is in the show notes so you can access it there. We're gonna be talking about how to reconnect your purpose, your divine purpose, with your CEO energy. really leaning into having that mindset, that abundance is your birthright. And having that self trust to know how you can take aligned action, all from the place of your divine purpose. Now, this is a series that I truly believe, no matter what stage of business you're at, it is going to be beneficial for you, whether you're starting out, or whether you're uber successful. I really believe that there are going to be some things in there that are going to help you get to the next level and really unpack where you are now and how you can move forward and how you can reconnect to your divine purpose. So if you're interested in that, make sure you check the show notes for the link to sign up. And I I honestly just cannot wait I cannot wait to run this series.

So friend, thank you for hanging out with me today. I love you. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly. If you like this episode of The Courage cast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original music and production by Stephen Crelly.