221 | How Are You Showing Up As The Expert And Authority?


I think sometimes we’re overthinking everything, making it way too complex and way too difficult for people to actually get into our world
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

If you were given 20 minutes on any stage in the world what would you talk about and why? I bet that there is a topic that you are so passionate about that you could literally share about it for hours. So why are you not stepping up and acting as the expert and authority? Imagine for a moment that you were able to move past those fears and truly show up as the expert in your field.

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


If you were given 20 minutes on any stage in the world, what would you talk about? And why? I bet that there is a topic that you're so passionate about, that you can literally share about it for hours on end, it's probably something you've talked about with your closest friends, people that you do, community and life with. So let me ask you this, why are you not stepping up and acting as the expert and authority on that particular topic?

You're listening to the courage cast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and confidence coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Hey there, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am so glad that you have joined me today we are talking about showing up as the expert and the authority. This is something that I truly believe each and every one of us has the capacity to do.

But so often, we find ourselves sitting back, and really allowing other people to take the lead. And I would bet that there is something that you are really, really passionate about in your life, in your business in your world that you're like I could talk about that for hours. And I know so much about that, or I'm just so fired up about that particular topic.

And yet, you're not talking about it, you don't tell anybody that you know anything about it, you are just in a constant state of learning, because you think that you need to know more and more and more and more and more. So here's the thing, when you are not acting as the authority and expert, you are actually missing out on opportunities, you're missing out on income, you're missing out on clients, and you're missing out on helping others get a transformation in their lives, which is why we are in this industry is to really help others shift their lives and get a transformation.

And really what it boils down to is a lack of courage, you are not stepping up to the plate, and you're not living bravely. And you are not acting and showing up as the expert and the authority in your particular field. Now, there's a lot of reasons why this may be the case, right? We're going to talk about a few of those. And just in case you're wondering, of course, I have done this myself.

There have been many, many times where I have sat back, and I have really differed to other people. I'm like, well, they're a better communicator, or they seem to know more, or people seem to listen to them, or they're the loudest in the room. I mean, whatever the circumstance is, really a boils down to what do you believe to be true?

Do you believe that you have the capacity to be the authority and expert in that particular subject topic? And can you share about that thing? Or do you find yourself deferring to others, letting other people take the lead? Now, I'm in a mastermind, currently, and I was talking to one of the people within the group. And I had this great conversation with this individual. And it was amazing. One of the things that she brought up was that, you know, she was always quiet, there were maybe a handful of people within the group that are consistently talking and sharing.

And I can guarantee you that those people truly have stepped into the belief that they are the authority, and that they are the expert in their field and they are willing to share. The people who are not sharing are the people who feel as though they are not. And there is a really marked difference between people who do show up in that way and people who don't. Now here is where it gets really interesting.

Just because somebody is showing up as the expert authority doesn't make them more knowledgeable, desperate and make them actually more of an expert. It makes them have they have more belief they have they have stepped into the identity of the authority and the expert, the other person has not. I mean, it's just that simple.

So if you find yourself deferring to others when you're in communities, masterminds group coaching programs, take a look at why you're not stepping up and sharing Because I would venture to say it's probably not because you're not the expert, it's probably because you don't have the identity of the authority an expert. Now, other ways that we, you know, just shrink back is thinking you need more qualifications. You know, maybe I need to have been in this industry longer, maybe I need more certifications. This was me prior to really doing NLP. And even though NLP has served me so well, as a coach, that's Neuro Linguistic Programming, with hypnosis, time techniques, all of those things, and I love it, and I use it in my business. However, the coach I was before that really is still existent. Now. I'm the same coach, and the transformation I was having with clients before, I'm still having now.

But for some reason, I felt as though I needed to have this certain certification to validate who I was what I had to offer. And really, at the end of the day, I didn't the reason I needed NLP was so that I could shift and have the subconscious transformations in my own life. And it gave me another tool to help my clients. But it definitely does not make me an expert. It's just something that I can use within my own business. Another way that you may not be showing up as the expert is, you're listening to the fears of other people, their lack, their negativity, their fear that things aren't going to happen for them. And they're never going to be able to grow their business and things are falling apart at the seams.

And why are they getting clients and all of a sudden, you feel as though it's the same for you and you take on that energy. And you shrink back and slowly slowly fade back into the woodwork. Instead of you know, kind of standing up and being like, you know what, I'm sorry, that that's how you feel is there any way that I can support you, I really want to help you. But I need you to know that I'm moving forward. And that I do feel as though I can help others. And I am going to take the positive approach. And I am going to believe that things are happening for me and not to me. And really moving past the fears that other people may be projecting another way, you might be finding yourself in that space where you're not really stepping up as an authority is your focus, you're not focusing on what you do best. So maybe you're like, really paying attention to all of the peripheral things that you do. But the thing you do best you're not highlighting, it's kind of like burying the lead, burying the lead, whatever, however you say it bury the lead.

I digress. Okay, back to my original thought. So if you're bearing the lead, you are actually not showcasing the very very thing that people come to you most, it's your superpower. It's like the thing that people love about you, it's the thing that you are gifted at doing. And for me in my life there, there are things I feel like I'm gifted at doing.

Number one, I'm a great singer. But apart from being a great singer, I'm also really, really good at helping other people have that ability as well. So I am a great voice coach. And I can help people really step into a whole new level when it comes to their voice. But if I don't talk about that, and I don't showcase that, then people think oh, well, she doesn't really know what she's talking about. Same comes to being coaching, when I can really, really see the potential and other people and I can see their blind spots very, very clearly, where maybe a lot of people can't, and I have like a maybe like a super intuition, where I'm able to see that and understand that and really be able to help somebody get to that place and shift it.

And that is not something that everybody can do. But it's something that I do really, really well. So it would behoove you to find the thing that you do really, really well. And focus on what you do best so that you can become the authority and the expert in that. Another way that you might not be showing up is you're doing too many things. Right? I am so guilty of this. I am talking to myself when I say this, I do all these things well, so I don't get help and support. And really, I'm actually dimming down the authority that I have in other ways because I'm just trying to do too many things at once and I'm gonna leave it at that because you Now I feel like I'm just talking to myself. But if that resonated with you, and you know that there's something that you do really well, and you're focusing on all the other things, because you do them kind of well, then you're not really showing up as the authority and the expert. Or, lastly, you may be feeling as though if you do, people are gonna look at you like, Who are you like, what do you have to offer? And who says you can do that?

Especially if you've had a transformation in your life, and you have friends and family who don't see you as that, and you haven't really started showing up in your life that way. And then all of a sudden, people are like, What the heck, like, that's not you. But here's the thing that really is our own subconscious perception of what we think other people are going to believe about us. And that's the work we need to do. It's not the responsibility of other people to like, say, oh, yeah, you're so great. Look at your transformation, you got this, go ahead. It's really about us. It's really about taking the ownership of your own transformation and saying, you know, what, yeah, I have this transformation. And it doesn't matter how other people perceive me, I am going to show up, I'm going to help people, I'm going to empower them. I'm going to be the expert and the authority in this particular industry that I'm in. And when you do that, when you step into that space, you're gonna find that things just like, automatically, doors open for you. People are like, Oh, my gosh, you're the expert in that. Awesome. I need you to talk to me about that. I remember when I started doing that, around podcasting, and I was like, forever. I was like, I had no idea what I'm doing on podcasting. But all of a sudden, I had been doing for a couple years, I had a top rated show. I had amazing guests, and people are like, you're like the go to person for podcasting. And I was like, What? No, not. But at the end of the day, I had to come to realize that well, yeah, I kind of am. And I do know what I'm talking about, because I've been doing this for a long time. And I feel very confident in what I do and what I'm producing when it comes to my podcast.

So I realized I am an expert and authority when it comes to podcasting. So there is something maybe many things that you can really start showcasing within your own life to really step into being the authority, and the expert in that particular industry. Now, we are really diving into this within the confidence accelerators an eight week. It's an eight week coaching program, where I work primarily with entrepreneurs, coaches, podcasters authors, speakers about really, truly identifying what is holding them back so that they can shift those subconscious beliefs and become the authority and take aligned action in their lives, and really share their message so that you can transform the lives of other people. And this eight week container starts July 14.

So there's still time if you're listening to this for July 14 to jump into the eight week program. If not, then make sure you join the waitlist for when it reopens. This program is so phenomenal. And honestly I can say the transformations that have happened within the group have just blown me away. So if this sounds like you, then I want to encourage you to jump in. And there still is time so make sure you go to the show notes and you can check out all the information about how you can sign up for this eight week program. Alright friend, I want to encourage you take a step today towards really showing up in your authority and acting as though you are the expert in your industry. Okay, friend. Love you. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

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