207 | Elevate Your Mindset To Elevate Your Impact


That can be scary because a lot of times we feel like, well, if I let go of that then I don’t have anything coming in. I don’t have any business, any income, any of those things coming in. But oftentimes it really, for your highest good. We need to be able to let go of what is no longer serving us so that we can create space for what is coming in.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Before you go buying into that fancy coaching program, system or strategy, I want you to take a listen to this episode. Too many coaches are going into debt trying to figure out how to market their business and are looking for another strategy or system to help them grow. But when you take the time to work on your mindset -- everything changes. It's time for you to elevate your mindset to elevate your impact.

If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 30-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach + @the.couragecast

Connect with Andrea's Text Community: Text the word COURAGE to 647-424-2429 or  CLICK HERE


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Andrea Crisp 0:00
Okay, friend, before you go ahead and buy that next fancy coaching program, system or strategy, I want you to take a listen to this episode. I have been where you are where I have invested in so many different things. That all led me back to the fact that I felt my own insecurity and doubt in my life as a coach. So I want to talk to you today about how we can start dealing with what we really truly need to deal with, which is our mindset. Before we invest in another high ticket program,

Kate 0:41
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 1:06
Hey, friends, welcome to The Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I'm your host, I'm so glad you're here. I am a mindset and confidence coach. And I work primarily with coaches, entrepreneurs, and creatives, who are really wanting to make an impact in the world, but are finding it hard to move past their own limiting beliefs. You know, the whole reason I started coaching in the first place was because I had a huge desire to help others follow their dreams and passions. And back in 2011, when I first became a coach, my focus was primarily on helping women discover their purpose, I was so jazzed up about doing this. And I was so keen to help women discover their purpose that I created these coaching groups. And I had zero experience doing that. But as I started it, I just kind of went with the flow. And I built these groups and women just kept coming to them. And to my amazement, they were really successful. In fact, I am in touch with many of the women today some have built businesses others have, you know, started their dream life. I mean, so much came out of those first coaching groups when I was first coaching. And the synergy in the groups and the bonds that those women formed, really helped them take brave steps in their own life. But when I left my full time job in 2014, and stepped out into coaching full time, I was kind of in a space where I had no idea what I was doing. So I had been I school music teacher, and then I was a pastor and now I found myself as an entrepreneur. And even though I felt really confident about my coaching, I had no idea how to run a business. And so I started to research how I needed to do things. And I quickly found myself buying into and when I say buying I truly do mean buying into systems strategies, coaching programs, that promised to make me money fast. But before long, I actually found myself in a place where my mindset could not support what these coaches were asking me to do. Now I'm not saying what the coaches were asking me to do was wrong. But they really weren't in touch with where I was at as a brand new entrepreneur. And they weren't really vetting me properly. They were just wanting to sell me a program and make money. And they were doing a really good job at it. Their marketing skills were like, super high, and I thought I needed what they had to offer. And because I didn't have anyone around me to truly ask, and there was no one else that I knew that was in the online coaching space at the time. I was really just trying to figure it out as I went along. And so what ended up happening was, is I found myself in mounting debt, because these programs were actually not really working for me. And I if I look at like how many programs I've actually purchased, oh my gosh, you didn't you don't want to know. But I found myself feeling really, really anxious about what I had done. I'd quit my job and started this new business. It was things weren't working out. I felt like a complete failure as a coach, because I felt like I was trying everything and nothing was working. And I was in also a lot of emotional pain from the past that had really not been healed. And I've talked about this a lot in other podcasts

But I haven't talked about it in this particular way. And I was rehearsing these old stories from my past. And these limiting beliefs were coming up about who I thought I was, and who I truly believed myself to be.

So even though I felt like a really good coach, because I knew my skills are on point, and I even had the certifications to back me up, and years of experience in being a coach in as a high school music teacher, and as a pastor doing all that work, I found myself in a place where my business was in a complete standstill, and literally thought there was no way that I would be running a business in two to three years. And so I did what everyone else did, I bought another program.

I figured if I would master the art of email marketing, or doing webinars, maybe, you know, figuring out how to do a really cool reel or get another launch strategy that I would finally figure out what I was doing, because I thought something must be missing.

I also hired a Kajabi expert, a podcast intern, I even traded my services to have someone pitch me on podcasts, okay, so you know what had ended up happening from all that?

Nothing, I did not get the results that I was looking for. So friend, if you are finding yourself in that place, where you have bought absolutely everything, and you are not getting results, please stop buying more systems.

That is not what you need. Okay. And the reason why I know that is because until you get to the heart of what is holding you back, you're not going to be able to attract the customers and clients that you desire into your life and business. And when I started doing the work, the inner work for myself, when I started doing the mindset work, that is when I started to truly uncover those old beliefs, those limitations that I had been believing to be true about myself. And at the heart of it, I felt like I wasn't worthy. I was allowing fear to get in the way of even my own zone of genius. And I was playing really small. And you may be thinking, what does that mean playing really small? Well, I was allowing other coaches to, you know, take up all of the clients because they had some fancy marketing. And they promised to help them, you know, make 10k a month. And I just sat on the sidelines because I didn't feel like I could help someone else make $10,000 a month. And so who was I to promise anything.

But what I was missing in all of that was the fact that holding space for someone in a coaching session as a mindset and confidence coach, and allowing them to process through where they have been holding themselves back. And helping them to reframe that and get to the heart of why they have been doing that and really release it is completely transformational. And I was thinking that that really wasn't all that fancy or shiny, and who really wanted to do that work. And yet, I know at the heart of it, that is the only way people are going to get results. Because you can have all the amazing fancy systems in the world. You can have the best team in the world. But if your mindset is not where it should be, then you are never going to feel truly happy, fulfilled successful in your business. Okay, so

I want to call bullshit. Okay.There are a bazillion coaches out there peddling false hope, promising to help you make 10k in 90 days. Grow your list by 1000s get you on TV. And I call that bullshit marketing. And you know it when you see it because these people are sliding into your DMS and they are asking you to like join their next program and you

You don't even know them, you have not built a relationship with them, or they haven't built a relationship with you. And all of this is to make them money. And I can tell you this right off the bat, that if they're doing that kind of kind of sleazy marketing, they're probably not really able to help their clients. Okay? When I first started coaching, back in 2011, I got a certification and became a life purpose coach. And then a couple years later, I got another certification became a leadership coach. And, and then I from there went on to get life and success coaching certification. And from then on, I got certification to do EFT, hypnotherapy and NLP, and so on and so forth. And this is all after I have a Master's in Counseling, and over 20 years of experience in the helping industry, both as an educator, a pastor, doing so many hours of one to one, coaching, okay, so I know what I'm talking about, when I get in a session with somebody, and I'm able to chat with them and talk to them about what is going on in their life. I know what I'm doing. So when a coach comes in and says, Oh, you know, I got a coaching certification, I'm going to coach you, and I have zero experience in how to actually help you. But I'm going to help you build a business and get you to a 10k a month.

There is no way friend, there is no way. So I needed to tell you the truth about all of this, because I don't want you buying into the same nonsense that I found myself buying into.Here's the thing, you're doing amazing things in the coaching space. And the reason I know that is because you're listening to this podcast. And obviously you're resonate with me for some reason. And I would imagine that you have a lot of integrity in your business, and you know, that you can get your clients results.

You're a high achieving ambitious coach, and you know, the value of it, investing in yourself, and you know, the value of helping yourself move forward. And that's why you've hired the best coaches to help you grow and scale. But here's the thing, underneath all of that. What about those fears that are keeping you up at night? What about those things that make you feel anxious, that make you doubt yourself, or tell you that you're not good enough to be doing this or to be in this space?

If you are walking around trying to coach your clients, with your own scarcity mindset, and you feel discontent in your life and in your business? How do you think that's going to translate to them?

Do you think that they're actually going to get the results that they need, when you are feeling the way you're feeling?

So I just have to be real with you. There's not a program out there, no fancy schmancy system strategy that is going to help you to navigate this, to get through this. Because the truth is your business is built on you, your your business, if you're a coach, if you're in this field, then you are the business. So if you're not in the right headspace, then you're never going to really be able to help clients the way you truly desire. Okay, so, let's be honest, as a coach, it can be really, really hard to know where to get the support. Okay? You really have to be able to know who has integrity, and who does not. And mean you could ask me I can recommend amazing people to you. In all of these different fields, like I know amazing money coaches, I know amazing relationship coaches, sales coaches, story coaches. I mean, you name it, probably almost every person that is on my podcast that has been a coach is someone that I recommend, okay? Sothey're out there, it's not like they do not exist, but to just buy something because you think you need it is definitely not going to help you. Okay?

If you want to truly show up as the authority in your life and in your business, then you need a safe place for you to actually talk about those things in your life that are coming up those fears, those old beliefs, those limitations, so that you can root them out, and you can start moving forward.

Because let's be real here, I know that you're not going to go into a Facebook group and post about it and ask for help. Because what if your potential clients are there, like, you're just not going to do that, right? You need a community that is going to hold space for you.

And in order for you to grow in your business, and make an impact, you need that safe space, to talk about the challenges that you're facing in your business to talk about how you're feeling about what you're doing, or maybehow you're in lack or disbelief about things. And if you are, it's okay, because that is so normal, especially when you're up leveling in your life and in your business. And the more honest and real you are about working through your mindset blocks, and your own personal transformation, the more effective you are going to be at serving your own clients. Okay. So that is why I created the mindset mentor circle. Now before you think oh my gosh, now she's asking me to pay for this crazy program.

Nope. Friend, it is free. I knew that there was something missing in the coaching space. And that is a safe space for coaches, to truly have community with one another, to be able to work through those mindset shifts that they really need quickly and effectively. So they can get back to doing what they truly love. And so I have created the mindset, mentor circle, we're going to do it every Wednesday. And I love you to be a part of it. So I'm going to give you a link in the show notes. And all you have to do is click on that and join my email list. And you're going to hear of all the information about it. You'll see if this is something that you truly think fits you. And if you feel like you want to show up for one time, and see if it's something that is really helpful for you then please do and if you feel like it's not where you're at, then that's okay as well. The whole reason why I am creating the mindset mentor circle is really to have that safe community for coaches to truly get the help that they need, which is something that I did not get when I first started coaching, the best part of this, like I mentioned, it is free. So, friend, having said all of this, if you feel as though you're struggling and you have been struggling for a while, and you're just really not sure what to do, I want to invite you to join me for the mindset mentor circle, and to really experience humanity in a way that will uplevel you and help you on your way. You can find all the links to connect with me even if you want to ask me questions about it in the show notes today and I hope to see you there. Until next time, friend. Remember you have everything you need to live briefly.

Kate 18:26
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