204 | Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You


That can be scary because a lot of times we feel like, well, if I let go of that then I don’t have anything coming in. I don’t have any business, any income, any of those things coming in. But oftentimes it really, for your highest good. We need to be able to let go of what is no longer serving us so that we can create space for what is coming in.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Are you holding on to things in your life that are no longer serving your highest good. Today in the podcast, we're talking about what it looks like to let go of things that are no longer serving you to create space for what it is that you truly need in your life.

If you're ready to elevate your mindset book a FREE 30-minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?


Andrea Crisp 0:00
Are you holding on to things in your life that are no longer serving your highest good. Today in the podcast, we're talking about what it looks like to let go of things that are no longer serving you to create space for what it is that you truly need in your life.

Kate 0:17
You're listening to The Couragecast a show to equip and empower you to live bravely. Each week, we'll share solo episodes and conversations with amazing people who have been willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose with a blend of practical and spiritual advice will help you take brave steps in your own life. Now, here's your host, mindset and competence coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:42
Hey there, welcome to the courage cast. My name is Andrea Crisp, and I am the host, I'm also a confidence and mindset coach. And I am so glad that you're joining me today we're talking about something that I have been really thinking about for months and months and months and months on end, I cannot wait to dive in to this topic with you all about letting go of what no longer serves you, we're going to talk about three different areas in your life that you can take a look at. And I'm going to walk you through just a little bit of a process that I go through when I'm taking a look at what serves me and what doesn't in my life. And I'll tell you what, the this year at the beginning of 2022, I chose the word expansion as my word of the year. And I was like, Oh, this is going to be amazing. Well, okay, so expansion, you know, means almost kind of like creating that space in your life for new things for opportunities. But it also means that when you are expanding, it means that you have to pull things out that are not serving you anymore. And that can be painful. And it's not always easy. And I'm not saying that it is when you are doing this process. But what I am saying to you that if you want to move forward in your life, if you want to move forward in your business, if you really want to take those huge steps to make an impact in the lives of others, you've got to be focusing on what is serving you, and letting go of those things that are no longer serving you. So very first thing is I'm going to talk about your environment. People talk about this all the time. And, you know, you might be thinking, you know, well, I'm stuck where I'm at, or this is kind of where I'm at in my life. We can do this in any way in our environment. So this might be looking like your actual place that you work or where you are sleeping at night, or your car. I mean, it can be anything that you feel is no longer serving the highest version of yourself. So the version of maybe who you were that you came into 2022 with was like, Yeah, this is working for me. But perhaps the version of you that is your elevated version. The future self is like, Yeah, this is not serving me anymore. I went through this not that long ago, probably about a month ago where I literally went through everything in my office in my closet, and I purged and I did something crazy. And I decided I was going to put things on Facebook marketplace and sell them. Oh my gosh, that was like the literal worst thing I could have done. And I'm not saying it's a bad idea if you want to do that, like, if if that's you like you do you. But for me, it just like, sucked all the energy out of like about three or four days where I had these items on Facebook marketplace. I think at the end, I made $20 and ended up donating the rest. It was probably online for I don't know, like I would say half a day when you totaled it up. Definitely not worth the $20. However, I did learn a valuable lesson that that energetic flow needs to be cleared. And so for me, I started to understand and realize that in order for me to clear that energetic space, I had to let go things in my life in my space that were no longer serving me. And I don't need necessarily to receive something from them. I just need to let it go. That was a big lesson. Not gonna lie.

Okay, another area of your life that you may be looking at all your relationships. So this can look like your friendships. It can look like your peer groups. It can look like intimate relationships depending on where you're at in your life friendships, you know what I think we put so much emphasis on our friendships. And really, they serve us in seasons, you can have a friend that you pick up every so often with, and it serves where you are at that time, but you don't necessarily need them in your life all the time. And I think understanding that and letting go of that need for that person to fill the void for you, is so important to know. And that actually might even save a friendship. Because you might be in a place in your life where you're like, I'm feeling like I need this. And so you're going outside of yourself, you're going external, to find the validation or the support, or whatever it is that you need that emotional connection. And that actually might be harming the relationship. So letting go of that need for that person to constantly be in your life. And serving that purpose for you might be a way that you can release, what is no longer serving you. It could also be peer groups, I just finish a mastermind that was nine, almost 10 months long, maybe a little bit longer. But anyways, it was phenomenal. And I was tempted to actually re enroll in the new cohort. But I had this sense that it was time for me to move on. And I didn't know to what, but I definitely felt as though my I had served my time there. And it's so interesting, because even within those community peer groups, there is an expiration date on where you're at and where you need to go. And it's so tempting to want to stay within those communities and like, just kind of get everything you can out of them.

But often for your own highest good, you have to start taking a look at okay, well what do I need now? What do I need in order to grow my business right now or my life in this particular season, and letting go of those people, that community, that collective that is no longer serving you, I didn't really recognize this in my life for a long time, like I really held on pretty tightly to a lot of my peer groups for a long time. And now I recognize, I don't have to like excommunicate them out of my life or anything. And I don't have to like, never talk to them or DM them or any of those things. But my expectation level around the the purpose that they serve in my life has definitely shifted. And I have let that go. So that I can make space for new people, new opportunities, new mentors, new things in my life. The third thing that you may want to look at is within your business, this could look like clients in your in your business. And for me, this actually just came up this week, I have been thinking about what I want to be shifting in my own business. And many of you know that I've been teaching voice and piano lessons for years since I was in college. And I've kind of kept it up. But one of my really phenomenal students, her mom sent me an email, and they are going to discontinue lessons. And I'll tell you what, it was a bit of a sting when I first read the email. And I started to realize, shortly thereafter, good conversation with a friend of mine actually helped point this out, but that

I needed to release and let go of this part of my life. And that this was the universe God's way of saying, Okay, it's time to move on. It's time to disconnect this and move on from this. And for me, it was wow, like just a simple little thing of letting go of a client made all of the difference. And recognizing Well, what does that look like for the rest of those clients? And what does it look like? If I do let go of them? What will it make space for? And I think that that can be scary because a lot of times we feel like, well, if I let go of that then I don't have anything coming in. I don't have any business, any income, any of those things coming in. But oftentimes it really, for your highest good. We need to be able to let go of what is no longer serving us so that we can create space for what is coming in. That can also look like programs that you're offering within your business. It can look like specific offerings. I know within my own business I've been shifting how I've been coaching, and I'm taking a look at how I offer my services. And what does that look like, in order to serve people in a an even better way in a more tangible way, I need to let go of some of the ways I was serving before in order to really help people dial in and shift their mindset in their lives and in their business.

So this can look so many different ways. But how you're maybe like, how do you do this? Andrea? How do we actually let go of those things? Well, I have a I have, I have something I want to share with you. Okay. So very first thing is you want to get clear on what you want. Mike drop, okay, like, That's it, we could just go home now. Get clear on what you want in your life? What do you want your environment to be? Like? What do you want your relationships to be? Like? What do you want your business to be like, even today, I was writing down a description of what I want my future clients to be like. And I felt so deeply connected to that person. So get clear around your purpose, who you're serving, who you are becoming as this highest version of yourself. Because what you need in this new version is not what you needed before. So it's like, well, you know, I know what I want it to look like. But do you know what you want it to feel like? Do you know what you want your environment to feel like? Do you know what you want your relationships to feel like the purpose you want them to serve, whether that's your peer group, whether that's your friend group, whether it's a mastermind, you're part of whether it is a mentor, or a coach that you're working with? Do you know what you want that to feel like in your life, get clear around that purpose. Same thing with your business in every way, be very, very, very clear about what it is that you want. The second thing is,

have confidence to say what you need to say, in order to truly release those people. Maybe you're saying it to yourself, and not to that person, I'm not asking you to like, completely blow up the bridge and walk away. A lot of this is about you and not them. And so it's being really, really clear and having that confidence that to say, You know what, this is what I need. And when I step into my power in this way, then I'm asking for something completely different. And that will shift so many things in your life is that belief and that confidence that you can have exactly what it is that you desire to have in your life. And then the last thing is really all about courage. And it's taking that aligned action on what feels right for you at the time. Now, I have a couple of examples of this specifically, I was asked to be a part of several different programs, in the past couple of months, from phenomenal coaches, I might add. And I was thinking about what is going to serve my highest good. And there was something within me that knew that I needed to take a step back, and that I actually needed to be looking inward. And there was a coach that I had been working with, and I decided to stay working with her. But these other specific programs, although completely would be major beneficial for my life in business. I knew instinctively that they were not for me. So my action was to say no. And that was like really painful. I have to admit that because there was part of me that wanted to be in those groups and surrounded by those people. But I also knew in order for me to continue to move forward, I had to remove myself from these things in order for me to take that next step. And that trusting that those relationships and those people are still going to be there when I need them. And that the universe always brings us what we need when we're willing to release what is no longer serving us. So whether it's your environment, your relationships, your business, there's three things that you can focus on. Number one is getting clear on what it is that you desire and on your purpose. Number two, have the confidence to really step into your power in a whole new way to embody who it is that you truly desire and want to be. And then number three is take that aligned action really, really living bravely by saying yes or no to what thing to the things in your life that you feel are for now. If you are in a place in your life where you're like, yes, Andrea, this is like totally hitting home for me and I need to like dial this in a bit. I'd love to have a chat with you. We can have a 30 minute strategy call just kind of feel, where are you at right now? What do you need? And can I be of service to you? And if so, then I'd love to work with you one on one. Or you may want to be in part of my new coaching groups that are coming up this spring. So having said all that, thank you so much for hanging out with me today. I'm so glad that you're there. Here's your one action step. Go into your space today. Take a look around take a look at one thing that is no longer serving you pick it up, take it out of the house and just see how you feel. You'll be amazed at how you feel when you let go of what no longer serves you, friend. Thanks for hanging out. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live briefly.

Kate 16:22
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