133 | Living Out A Season Of Gratitude + Acceptance


It’s going to take making a few mistakes here and there until you figure out how things need to go in your world right now.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Life is so mysterious and just when you think you may have something figured out — it goes and changes. That has proven to be true time and time again throughout this entire year. And with every magical moment that is experienced, there is also grief and loss that tags right alongside. 

We get both. The beauty and pain. 

There has been one word that has stood out to me, one word to describe how I am experiencing life right now and that is spacious. 

Creating space to live in the unknown, experiencing the ups and downs of uncertainty without trying to control it.

Creating space for intimacy in relationships by speaking the truth and not holding back. By loving when I don’t feel like loving and extending myself in times where I feel alone and I want someone to extend love to me. 

Creating space for resistance by trying new things and leaning into the tension of the moment, and conversations that need to be had, and feelings that are begging to be felt. 

Making space for creativity and experiencing the moments of failure when things don’t go as planned. Creating space for fun and nothingness all at the same time. Doing and being and finding the space in between. 

And I’m allowing the expansiveness of the space to be in me and to move through me. But I didn’t always feel that way. 

I spent so much of my life pushing away the pain, trying to not to deal with it that it didn’t even dawn on me I was also pushing away the beautiful moments as well. When I was trying to avoid my feelings and numbing out my out the hurt and loss, even the sting of rejection I had essentially pushed all of the most amazing things to the side as well. And I was left with nothing but an empty hole.

Not sure what your life has looked like over the past few weeks and months (or even year) but I can almost be certain that you have probably experienced something similar. There have been moments so incredible that you’ve treasured them in your heart and you wouldn’t change them for the world, but perhaps there has also been devastating loss and your heart may be feeling very fragile at the moment. 

I get that. More than you know. 

Today on the podcast we’re doing something a bit different. I want to walk you through a few questions at the end of the episode so that you can reflect on your life and what has brought you joy and sorrow. And I hope that by doing so you’ll gain a little bit of clarity and perhaps even feel like you can take back the ownership of your beautiful and spectacular life. 

Connect With Andrea:

I’d love to connect and chat with you over on my socials. If you’re ready to dive a little deeper into understanding your purpose, grab a copy of my book Designed With Purpose.

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