
EP 194 | Being Expansive


So when you realize that you’re not moving forward, that’s the time to ask the hard questions. That’s the time to become curious and aware of what could possibly shift this situation? How could I be different in this? Who would I need to be?
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

What would be possible for you in your life and business if you took the biggest leap you've ever taken in your entire life? I hope you're ready for massive expansion this year -- because it's coming!!

We're starting a brand new series all about becoming your future self, and today we're focusing on being expansive. What area's of your life do you need to expand in in order to make room for what you truly desire in 2022?

Connect with Andrea on IG: @andreacrispcoach @the.couragecast

Connect with Andrea via TEXT: Text the world COURAGE to 647-424-2429 CLICK HERE

To book a FREE 30 minute Strategy Call with Andrea: www.andreacrisp.ca/schedule

To enter the 200th Episode Giveaway, please send a screen shot you sharing the podcast, subscribing, rating and reviewing. Send the screenshot to Andrea at andreacrisp@me.com.

Connect with Niki Ferguson on IG: @wildly_worthy


Andrea Crisp 0:00
What would it be possible for your life and business if you took the biggest leap you've ever taken in your entire life? I hope you're ready for massive expansion this year because it's coming.

Andrea Crisp 0:12
Hey, friend, are you ready to take courageous steps to create a life and business you love. Welcome to The Couragecast. I'm Andrea Crisp, mindset coach, author, and a multi passionate entrepreneur. For years, I was afraid to allow myself to shine. That was until I discovered that I could step into my own power, shift my mindset, and take ownership of my own destiny. Now I coach women across the globe who are ready to own their life and make a massive impact. Each week, I'll share conversations with amazing humans who've been willing to face their fear, and pursue their purpose. I'll provide a blend of practical and spiritual advice to help you take brave steps in your own life and business.

Andrea Crisp 0:52
Hello, friend, Happy New Year. It's 2022 baby. And I am thrilled for another new year. And I'm actually so happy that you are along for the ride. You know what, I'm going to predict right here right now that this is going to be an amazing year. None of this BS about the past few years. And don't tell me different because I am going to be sticking with optimism and possibility. In the podcast this year, we are going to be hitting a huge milestone. And it's coming up next month, in fact, with our 200th episode, which actually blows me away when I think about it, because I can remember when I started the podcast about four and a half years ago. And I'm just so grateful to be hosting the podcast, doing this journey with you, and it is my intention as we lead up to the 200th episode, and beyond that we go to the next level with the podcast. So I need your help in doing so. In order for us to have one of the biggest years ever in the podcast, I need you to do three things. Now, it's a huge favor right now, but the first thing would be to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast, so that it downloads your podcast every week. The second would be to leave a podcast rating and review that could be on iTunes, or Spotify. And when you do so, I would love to personally thank you. So if you would screenshot that, and send it to me, you can either send it to me through Instagram, or my email, and both of those will be located in the show notes, and I will enter you into a huge giveaway that we are doing when the 200th episode drops. And lastly, I would love your help in sharing the podcast. So if you will screenshot an episode, one of your favorites, maybe even this one, tag me and also screenshot that, you'll also be entered into the giveaway as well.

Andrea Crisp 3:16
You know, the reason why this is so important to me is not just so that we increase downloads, it is so that we as a collective can make a bigger impact here and help more women to take those baby steps in their lives. Whether it's to start a business, or it is to grow their business, or it is to really step into a holistic place in their lives and in their business. I think it's so, so important that we champion one another. So I want to thank you in advance. And I am believing and I am getting ready for really big things this year, personally, in my life, and also in my business and in the life of the podcast.

Andrea Crisp 4:06
You know, when I think back over the past few years, well, they've been interesting. But they've also been really good for my soul. Because the growth I've experienced over the past year in my life personally really made a huge difference in the growth of my business. And of course that you know trickles down into the podcast as well because they all go hand in hand. When we grow in one direction, we always grow in every direction. So without reservation, I can say that 2021, I know this is crazy, was one of the best years that I've had when it comes to allowing expansion to occur in my life. And I don't want to stop. I want to keep going and I want to keep growing. And I hope that you aren't satisfied with where you're at either. And that we can allow this expansion to continue in our lives.

Andrea Crisp 5:08
Because I suspect if you're listening to the podcast, you're either a multi passionate coach or a communicator, an entrepreneur, you are someone with a big dream, who desires to make an impact in the lives of those you serve, or you are sharing your life with. So let me ask you a question. When you look back on this year, 2022, the one we're in right now, what do you hope will be true about your life and business? Think about that for a moment. If you made a decision right now, like if you concretely decided that this is your year, no turning back? What do you believe would be possible for your life? And subsequently for your business? Will you be able to say that you played full out, that you showed up in a massive way, that you grew more than you had ever imagined, that maybe you doubled or tripled your income, that you were able to work with the most amazing clients, that opportunities came knocking down at your door, maybe even that your platform, what you're doing, you know, with your podcast, your book, your social media, your just all of the things that you offer, that they grew exponentially.

Andrea Crisp 6:32
You know, I've been thinking about what I want, for this year in 2022, and I have made the intention that when this year comes to an end, and I have successfully tripled my income, yep, you heard it here, launched new products, which I fully intend to do in programs. And even maybe host an event this year, like a live one, like in person. I know that my intention is to make an indelible impact on the lives of those that I work with. And I hope that that is the exact same thing that you want in your life. I know that I haven't always been this confident. In fact, it was more the opposite. For many years, I felt like I was grasping at success. With very little success, I might add. And I was always afraid to make big decisions or to take risks in my life. But last year, in 2021, that all changed. And the reason it changes because I became very intentional about what I wanted. And I've talked about this on the podcast over the past few months, because I think it's so important that we set intentions for our lives. When I look back and see how the Universe, God delivered on the very things that I made intentions about, you know, I was just like completely blown away.

Andrea Crisp 8:07
It wasn't exactly how I thought it would happen. However, the Universe delivered in a massive way. So let me rewind just for a moment, to give you some context. At the beginning of 2021. I was really excited about the New Year and ready for my business to explode, like, more ready than I'd ever been. And I had it all planned out. You know, isn't that the case? We always have it all planned out. Or at least I thought I did. Because you know, who knew what was going to happen, right. But in all reality, I had no idea what was about to actually unfold. All I knew that was in my past experience if I was going to rely on things that I had known before, on previous experience, on the ways I had done things in the past, I would still, right now, be spinning my wheels. Because those things, those past experiences, those past ideas, they kept me playing small. They kept me hidden, afraid to show up as myself and afraid that I, you know, wouldn't be taken seriously. And even though I had the desire for more, I had no clue how to hold capacity for that. And maybe you can relate. Maybe you're in this place right now, where you desire more in your life. But you're relying on those old experiences, and you're relying on those past ideas, and ways of doing things.

Andrea Crisp 9:50
Here's the thing, Friend, in order for you to move forward, and to expand in every area of your life, you're going to have to grow in your capacity to hold what it is that you need for this coming year. And even though you may want it really, really bad, if it was handed to you right now, could you hold space for it? Like, are you ready right now? I would venture to say probably not. And if it you are, then your, your dreams not big enough. Subconsciously, you might be trying to sabotage where you want to be going. So no matter how the Universe would show up and deliver on this intention, you're not going to receive it, unless you decide that you're going to make room for it. And that would mean showing up more powerfully in your life. And that would mean playing bigger, with your dreams, with your business, and even expanding your network, your relationships, and everything about what you do.

Andrea Crisp 11:13
So let's float an idea here. Maybe you want to make more money, but subconsciously, you're keeping yourself from taking risks that would earn you that income. Well, okay, so let's think about that for a second. What are you doing to get there? Are you relying on old practices to get to where you want to go? Or are you allowing yourself to expand to include what it is that you truly desire? That would put you in a different tax bracket. Or perhaps you have a story, or a message that you really want to share with the world that you've become attached to how that's supposed to happen? Maybe you have this like whole thing played out in your mind.

Andrea Crisp 12:03
In order to expand, you have to allow the universe to deliver the possibilities in any way that they come. I distinctly remember how I felt, when I first decided I was going to invest into the mastermind that I had been a part of for the past year. Even though I had made a lot of investments up into that point, I had never seen an ROI on those investments. That was until I joined the Fast Foundations Mastermind. Now, we have these calls every single month, which have absolutely been pivotal in my life. And we get to ask questions of our mentors, Chris and Lori Harder.

Andrea Crisp 12:48
Now, this one particular call, I was feeling pretty low, because I had been making significant progress. But I also felt as though I was falling behind as well. So with every step that I was taking forward, I was also, you know, taking steps backwards. And everything was out of control. I wasn't sure what what I was doing. I was like really feeling quite lost, to be honest with you. So when it came time for me to ask a question, I asked if they had any advice for me? No, honestly, it was kind of hoping that I was going to get this like really clear answer. You know, okay, take this step, then this step than this step. But that was not their response in any way. In fact, Lori was the first to pipe up. And she said that she thought I had an upper limit problem, and that I should work on that. And I was like, "What's an upper limit problem?" She recommended the book, The Big Leap. And I will put that in the shownotes because it is seriously one of the best books I've ever read. But I'll tell you what she was bang on.

Andrea Crisp 14:00
I realized really quickly that I had been capping myself when it comes to success, like I had an upper limit for sure when it came to what I thought was possible for my life. So whether it was love, money, abundance, all things, I had made a subconscious agreement that I could only have a certain amount. And after that, I couldn't have any more. So even if I wanted it, it was going to come to me because I didn't believe that I could hold it. Now, instead of you know, growing and expanding to hold it, I was actually shrinking back in fear. And I think that's what happens to so many of us even though we have a desire for something in our lives, joy, happiness, fulfillment, abundance, all of those things. When it comes to receiving it, we have an upper limit to what we are willing to receive because of the amount we can hold in our lives.

Andrea Crisp 15:07
And this is basically how I went through my life. The conversation that we had that day and Fast Foundatations was so monumental for me, because it opened my eyes to see where I was limiting myself. I started reading the book, I started implementing the practices within the book. And I started to make this decision to become expansive in every area of my life. Now, I'm not gonna say it was easy, and I'm not going to say that it wasn't without a lot of stretching and discomfort. But in order for me to have what I truly desired, I had to make space, make room for what it is that I truly wanted.

Andrea Crisp 15:55
Okay, so how about you? You're about to embark on a brand new year, this is it, like you're you're at the starting gate here. Are you opening yourself up for expansion? Or are you closing yourself off? Are you keeping yourself small, fear that you'll be hurt, rejected, left out, left behind, that somehow others are more qualified than you are? Whatever the reason is that you have decided to stay small, that is keeping you within your upper limit. It's keeping you safe and contained, and not moving an inch. Whereas if you took the time, if you made the intention right now, that it was time to be honest with yourself, and take a look at those areas that need expansion in your life. And allow yourself to grow, your view of the world would expand, your view of what is possible would expand, your view of pretty much everything will expand.

Andrea Crisp 17:06
So the problem isn't that you don't want to experience massive growth, because I know that you do. I absolutely 100% believe that in your heart of hearts, you want growth in your life this year. But subconsciously, if you're in a position right now, where you are not accepting it, then you're going to stay where you are. So it's time to make that conscious decision to say you know what, I'm going to do the work, I'm going to get uncomfortable, I'm going to allow uncertainty into my life, I'm going to take bigger risks, I'm going to expand, I'm going to allow for more. And that is going to shift the result. And the beauty of expansion is that it can happen in every area of your life. It's not limited to one particular area. And as you learn to hold space for more of what you desire, you will continue, more will continue to open up to you. You know when I'm working with my coaching clients, we focus on what is possible through expansion. And that feels tough sometimes, but that's how we move forward. So whether that's expanding emotionally, spiritually, relationally, in business, shifting a belief that is what is going to help you get to the next level in your life. Now before I walk you through a few steps that I believe are going to help you to expand, I want to introduce you to somebody who has been really instrumental in my life. It's my friend, Niki Ferguson, and she's a money mentor. And she's going to share a money mindset tip with us.

Niki Ferguson 18:58
Hi, I'm Niki, money and mindset coach and host of Wildly Worthy. We're going to talk about expansive money mindset. So what makes your money mindset expansive, I believe that it starts with gratitude. When we see expensiveness in our lives already, we are more available for receiving. If we don't see it, we don't know it's for us, and our brains will protect us. So today go on a gratitude rampage. See how many things you have to be grateful for. This puts your mind at ease and you start to feel safe in knowing that you are worthy and deserving of money. Go into stores where you want to shop one day, drive around in the fancy neighborhoods. Start getting comfortable in those spaces. Act like you belong there, because you do, start seeing yourself as worthy of all the things on your vision board. Test drive the G Wagon, book the first class ticket, don't let your past beliefs keep you from expanding. Just try it and see what happens.

Andrea Crisp 20:01
Thank you, Niki, for sharing that wisdom with us. I'm going to make sure to link Niki's Instagram and her website in the show notes so that you can connect with her and all of her information will be there.

Andrea Crisp 20:15
Okay, so when I work with my clients on becoming more expansive in their lives, the very first thing that we talk about is becoming more aware. I know that sounds really simple, and just probably way too easy. But oftentimes, it is the situations that feel the most pressing, that are the catalysts for change. So when you realize that you're not moving forward, that's the time to ask the hard questions. That's the time to become curious and aware of what could possibly shift this situation? How could I be different in this? Who would I need to be? How can I grow through this situation? Now it's common to want to come up with solutions right away, that is actually going to probably keep you where you are now, okay. So you don't want to just go with the solutions. You want to make space for the growth.

Andrea Crisp 21:21
And instead of trying to figure out how to do it, exactly, you know, what the outcome is going to be. that's the time where you actually release the need to control the outcome. And embrace the uncertainty of the moment, allow yourself to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Because with expansion, you'll feel as though you're being stretched in every way, which is the whole point of the exercise, okay, so it's totally okay, if you feel really uncomfortable. Just become curious about who you're becoming, what is happening, and how you're going to hold space for more in your life. So bring awareness to the situation. And ask yourself, "How can I grow through this?" Let go of what you think should be done, okay. There's no shoulds here. Learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable and become more curious about yourself and others, that is going to allow you to really expand.

Andrea Crisp 22:27
Okay, so, as we wrap up today, I want to ask you a question: what are you going to take away from this first episode of the New Year? Being expansive? How are you going to implement that in your life, I hope that you're going to take this commitment today, to become more expansive in 2022. To become more aware of the possibilities to grow through the difficulties and challenges and release the expectations you have about how it should be done. And lean into the discomfort, become more curious about yourself, and others. Now, over the next few weeks, we're going to be in this series on becoming in 2022. And next week, we're going to shift the focus from being expansive to being magnetic. So attracting what it is you desire in your life in 2022. So if you've not already connected with me, I love to connect with you via text. Each week, I'm sending out two to three text messages, sometimes their affirmations journal prompts, guided meditations. And if you want to connect with me, go ahead and text the word "COURAGE" to 647-424-2429 I am so thrilled to be headed into 2022 with you, my friend. Until next time, remember, you have everything you need to live bravely.

Andrea Crisp 24:01
If you like this episode of The Couragecast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us a rating and review and while you're there, hit subscribe so you never miss an episode. Original Music by Stephen Crilley. Production by Claudia Henock.


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Your mindset is your greatest asset! But it is also what may be holding you back from taking that next step in your life. Are you ready to reframe your mindset so that you can step more confidently into your purpose?

EP 184 | Position Yourself For Expansion


And I started to learn that part of trusting myself and trusting my instincts and, and really seeing the potential and the possibility in my life was to say, you know what, I’m going to take radical responsibility for who I am. And I am going to shift my life because it’s not up to anybody else. It’s really only up to me.
— Andrea Crisp

About This Episode:

Are you in a place in your life where you are expanding and growing? The environment you find yourself in will have an enormous impact on how far you go and who you become in the process. Maybe you've found yourself wanting to expand but you're not sure what step to take. In this episode I'll be sharing the process that has worked for me personally when it came to growth in my life personally and professionally.

Connect With Andrea:

Instagram + Website + Book

Interested in coaching with Andrea:

Book your FREE 30 min strategy session HERE


Andrea Crisp 0:00
I'm celebrating a big milestone this year. Now you'd think it was like some crazy big number, but it's really not. But it is my birthday month, I turned 47 in October. And I wanted to share with you on the podcast today, what I've learned this year, and how I really believe that it has shifted and changed me for the better. And a few things that I think will also help you as you are learning to navigate and expand your own growth.

Kate 0:30
You're listening to the Couragecast a show to equip and empower women to live bravely. Each week, we'll share coaching conversations and stories of women who are willing to face their fear and pursue their purpose. Here's your host, life coach, author, and your secret weapon.

Andrea Crisp 0:46
Hello there, welcome to the Couragecast. My name is Andrea Crisp, I am your host. And I'm really glad that you're joining me today. You know what, it's hard to believe that it is the end of October. Like it's crazy to me to think about it. October is always one of my favorite months. A lot of the reason for that is because it's my birthday. But this year in particular, I have been feeling just, I don't know, extra reflective, I suppose about my year, about the growth that I've experienced, about the challenges and the obstacles that I have faced, personally, professionally, in so many ways. And so I thought I would record an episode for you all about what it's like to really expand when you're thinking about making that leap, and jumping into something in your life that will cause you to expand. And oftentimes, I think that is one of the biggest reasons why we don't actually step into our purpose fully is because we're not really sure how things are going to turn out. And what is it going to require? And how are we going to be able to navigate, you know, the different things that are shifting and changing in our lives. Because the truth of the matter is when you are expanding in your life, and when you are in a position where you're surrounded by amazing individuals who are up leveling you in some way, there is no way to stay the same. And that means that you have to figure out a new normal, and so do the people around you. And so I want to talk a little bit about that. And about what has changed for me over the past year, you know, I'm going into a new birth year, I'm gonna I'm turning, while I turned 47. So which is crazy to me, I actually saw that number, somebody had texted me a happy birthday message. And I saw that number and it's like, "Is this real? Could I possibly be 47?"

Like, you know, I think about that sometimes, I'm like, how have I gotten to this point in life, but yet I am so very grateful for the experience that I've had in my life and for having 47 years on this earth and have, you know, my life means something. And that's, I guess, really important to me. But at the beginning of 2021, when, when I was you know, starting off the year, I made some really big shifts in my life. I made, I really made a point of saying that I, an intention really is what I call it, of trusting myself, God, and others to a whole new level. And I think for a long time I had been holding myself back and fearful of the outcome when I would, you know, trust someone or I would, you know, lean into something I was really good at only to feel like I was, you know, not measuring up or being rejected in some way. And so it caused me to close off and to really not put myself out there in a way that I probably really would have wanted to.

And so at the beginning of 2021 I had this idea in my mind and this intention that I was going to learn how to trust myself, God, and others in a whole new way into a new depth. And that is definitely something that has happened. And I was given opportunity after opportunity to grow in all of those areas. And the first one came in the form of friendships. You know, with the Pandemic, proceeding all of that. It was really crazy because you know, you're really in these heightened relationships and then some fall off the board and some, you know, just shift and change, and people are in different places in their lives.

And so it's kind of like sometimes you wonder, "Okay, well, who am I gonna be friends with at the end of this?" And there were times where I lost touch with different people. And you know, you wonder, did I do something, did they do something, and a lot of it really is just allowing for us to experience that kind of growth. And sometimes those relationships come back together. And sometimes they don't. And generally speaking, when they do come back together, they have experienced a tremendous amount of growth, and depth. And I have found that those relationships were the ones that trust was really built, because we were able to see that even though there was time apart, we could still come back together. And there was a deepened friendship there, and a deepened trust.

When it came to myself, a lot of my trust was really around, do I trust myself enough to bet on myself, to risk on myself, to really put myself out there when it comes to business, and to really take those big financial risks and those big business risks. And there was a moment where I felt back in around April, that there was an opportunity for me to take that step out. And it was a bigger step than I had normally taken. And I was like, "You know what, I am going to bet on me, and I'm going to go all in, and I'm going to believe that I can really be successful in every way in my life." And so I joined a mastermind, and I've talked a lot about it over the course of this year, but it really did shift my whole life, it shifted my business, it shifted the way I see myself, it shifted, the you know, just even the people I was in proximity to. And I found myself rubbing shoulders with amazing individuals, that I looked up to amazing people who were making a huge impact and difference in the world and people that I wanted to emulate in my business.

And I found myself having to take bigger steps, bigger risks, because I was around those people. And in doing so, I had to learn how to make decisions quickly, I had to learn to trust, my gut instinct, I had to learn to get over myself, is really how it, you know, all shook out because at the end of the day, when I was learning to trust myself, it was also learning that I did not have to play the victim, I did not have to play a poor me card anymore. Like, look what's happened to me or, you know, I got dealt a raw deal. And I started to learn that part of trusting myself and trusting my instincts and, and really seeing the potential and the possibility in my life was to say, you know what, I'm going to take radical responsibility for who I am. And I am going to shift my life because it's not up to anybody else. It's really only up to me. And so I did the mindset work, I put action in, I took aligned action, I took a messy action, you name it, what kind of action I took, I took it all, because I was willing to try anything in order to see what would move the needle forward in my life. And I found that just by showing up and being myself that I could create something really, really beautiful. And all of that came in trusting myself.

And then the third part of it was trusting God, trusting the divine. And if you've listened to the podcast over the past few years and you've listened to my story of faith deconstruction, you know, I talk a lot about the deconstructing part and about kind of peeling back those layers of kind of religious theology and upbringing and the life that I lead in the church and you know, it is a journey. If you've ever been on a journey where you are, you know, shifting your your whole life, and your religious beliefs and your faith. It is not for the faint of heart. I'll tell you that right now. If you ever want to have a conversation with me about it, please feel free I'm definitely up to talking to people about my faith deconstruction, but part of the process for me was also learning to trust God again, and learning to really disconnect God from religion.

You know, growing up, we talked a lot about in the Christian faith, the church being the body of Christ. And so for me, the community of people, the church was a huge representation of what my faith was. But the church hurt me a lot. And I was, you know, in a really wounded place because of some of the spiritual abuses that happen in my life. So that was really hard for me to separate that from the divine, God, universe, source. And I couldn't really pull it out of context to really, you know, get the healing that I needed. But over the course of this year, as I have trusted myself, as I've trusted others, I've also leaned into learning how to trust God's source divine, and understanding that deepened connection with who I am and who I was created to be, and what I truly believe, because I've always experienced God, in a way that felt really tangible, to me really real. And so I never really questioned whether or not there was a God. But I wasn't sure exactly what God look like, what form does God look like? And I've had to take, you know, all of those thoughts, preconceived ideas, of who I assume who God is, and said, you know, what I really don't know. And my unknowing, I guess, is the way to say it has led me to a deeper connection with God, again, to an understanding that apart from source, that I really am not able to co create what it is that I truly desire in my life, and in my business.

And those three aspects of my life, trusting myself, God, and others have really, really been the expansive part of who I am. And learning that this is a always, we're always growing, we're always on a journey, we don't ever arrive anywhere and just completely say, "Well, I get it. And I understand. And I know, and I know how to trust myself, and I know how to trust God, and I know how to trust others, and I'm in this amazing place in my business, and I don't need in anything else", we're always on a journey to to grow and to move forward. And so if there's anything that has really shown me, I guess, what's important in my life, it is that I stay connected. It is that I allow myself to go deeper into that connection. And I allow myself to have that intimacy and to experience everything that was meant for me.

And it's not always going to be easy. And it's going to come with its challenges. And I'm sure it's going to come with moments of pain and heartache along the way, but at the end of the day, life is meant to be lived. And I think, turning 47 this year, and looking back on just this year, and how expansive my life has become, I sit here and wonder, "You know, okay, well, what is next? Like, what's the next step? What is it that I truly desire? In my life?" I am so grateful for what has happened up until this point, that, you know, what could possibly been asked what could possibly be better than this, right? And I think about that, and I think about really deepening, going to that next level, and saying, "Okay, now that I am in a place where I am allowing myself to trust again, and I'm healed from those old wounds, and I have spent that time to forgive and to come to terms with things in my life, and to stop playing the victim. That now I'm really ready to play full out, that I'm really ready to go in heart open, mind open, spirit open, to really embrace all that life has to offer me. All that life has to give me, and the reason why I wanted to share this with you is because sometimes we only see certain things.

You know, when we are looking at social media, or when we're having conversation, or you know, when we're looking at those little squares on Instagram, but at the heart of everything, I really wanted to be transparent with you about where I'm at, and how I've grown. And, really to the depth, I think that we need to go in order to really feel that joy and fulfillment in life. And that is in trusting ourselves, in trusting God and in trusting others, and allowing ourselves to fully be present in all of that, even if it's messy, even if it's amazing, in all its ways.

So that is the thought that I wanted to share with you today. This the end of October, a couple months left of 2021. And I really believe that, you know, it's not done yet. So there's still like, so much more that can happen. And I love that, you know, I love the thought that you know, like, this is only just getting started. And I'm just so grateful that at the beginning of year that I set that intention, and that God just delivered amazing people, individuals, opportunities, challenges, things along the way to continually grow me so that I can shift and change and become the woman who I really have always desired to be. So friend, I encourage you that as much as you know this story was about me today, that this is also a story about you. Because in order for you to truly live the life you desire, in order for you to be the coach, the entrepreneur, the partner, you really want to be in life to someone, we have to begin to allow ourselves to trust again. And to experience that healing, that forgiveness, and allow ourselves to feel what it is we need to feel in order for us to move into those new depths in our life. So having said all that, I want to thank you for hanging out with me. And closing off this big birthday month. 47, it's good, It's a good number. I'll take it. Until next time, remember you everything you need to live bravely.

Kate 17:42
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